Add Monster Manual 1977

Posted : admin On 8/30/2019

This is the Index of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st edition monsters, an important element of that role-playing game.[1] This list only includes monsters from official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition supplements published by TSR, Inc. or Wizards of the Coast, not licensed or unlicensed third party products such as video games or unlicensed Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition manuals.

This literature-related list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.

Gain a random spell. Hold person, 4. Hold monster. If you are not a spellcaster, Save or immediately cast the spell on a random target using d4 magic dice. If you pass your Save, you can cast the spell once per day using 1 MD, firing it from a random eye. 10: Nautral Magic. TSR 2009 – Monster Manual (1977) edit This was the initial monster book for the first edition of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game, published in 1977. Gary Gygax wrote much of the work himself, having included and expanded most of the monsters from the previous D&D supplements.

  • 3TSR 2016 – Monster Manual II (1983)
  • 4Other sources

TSR 2009 – Monster Manual (1977)[edit]

This was the initial monster book for the first edition of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game, published in 1977. Gary Gygax wrote much of the work himself, having included and expanded most of the monsters from the previous D&D supplements. Also included are monsters originally printed in The Strategic Review, as well as some originally found in early issues of The Dragon (such as the anhkheg and remorhaz), and other early game materials. This book also expanded on the original monster format, such as including the stat lines on the same page as the monsters' descriptions and introducing more stats, expanding the length of most monster descriptions, and featuring illustrations for most of the monsters. The book features an alphabetical table of contents of all the monsters on pages 3–4, explanatory notes for the statistics lines on pages 5–6, descriptions of the monsters on pages 6–103, a treasure chart on page 105, and an index of major listings on pages 106–109.


CreaturePageOther AppearancesVariantsDescription
Aerial servant6D&D Companion Rules (1984), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993)Semi-intelligent form of air elemental typically conjured by a cleric
Anhkheg6Dragon #5 (1977), Dragon #117 'The Ecology of the Anhkheg' (1987), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Underdark #30 (2005).A chitinous creature that burrows through the earth like an earthworm
Ant, giant7D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)
Ape7Dragon #133 'The Ecology of the Carnivorous Ape' (1988), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993)Described are the gorilla, and carnivorous ape
Axe beak7MC3 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Three: Forgotten Realms Appendix (1989), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two (1995), Arms and Equipment Guide (2003)Prehistoric carnivorous flightless birds, very fast runners that hunt aggressively
Baboon8MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)
Badger8MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)
Baluchitherium8MC3 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Three: Forgotten Realms Appendix (1989), DMR2 – Creature Catalog (1993), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two (1995), Fiend Folio (2003) (as 'Indricothere')Prehistoric ancestor of the rhinoceros, a huge herbivore
Barracuda8MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Stormwrack (2005)
Basilisk8Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), Dragon #81 'The Ecology of the Basilisk' (1984), D&D Companion Rules (1984), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Giants of Legend set #13 (2004)Reptilian monster whose gaze can turn creatures to stone
Bear9D&D Basic Set (1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)Described are the black, brown, and cave bear
Beaver, giant9Blackmoor set (1975), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two (1989)
Beetle, giant9–10Blackmoor set (1975), D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983) (fire), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991) (fire), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000) (bombardier, fire, stag), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003) (bombardier, fire, stag), D&D Miniatures: Blood War set (2006) (celestial giant stag beetle)Described are the bombardier, boring, fire, rhinoceros, stag, and water beetle
Beholder10Greyhawk set (1974), Dragon #76 'The Ecology of the Beholder' (1983), D&D Companion Rules (1984), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), I, Tyrant (1996), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Deathknell set #32 (2005)Hateful, aggressive, avaricious spherical monster that is most frequently found underground
Black pudding10Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Dragon #219 'The Ecology of the Black Pudding' (1995), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)A scavengers that can flow through narrow openings and lives underground
Blink dog10–11Greyhawk set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)Lawful good creatures as intelligent as normal humans, with a limited form of teleportation
Boar11D&D Basic Set (1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two (1995), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)Described are the wild boar, giant boar, and warthog
Brain mole11Eldritch Wizardry, PHBR5 – Complete Psionics Handbook (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Psionics Handbook (2001), Expanded Psionics Handbook (2004)Small mole-like mammals that can psionically 'burrow' into another creature's mind
Brownie11MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), DMR2 – Creature Catalog (1993), Monstrous Manual (1993), Dangerous Denizens: The Monsters of Tellene (2003)Distant relatives of halflings that dwell in quiet, pastoral areas
Buffalo11–12MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000) (as 'bison'), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003) (as 'bison')
Bugbear12Greyhawk set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Dragoneye set #46 (2004)Larger cousins of goblins
Bulette12Dragon #1 (1976), Dragon #74 'The Ecology of the Bulette' (1983), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Giants of Legend set #67 (2004)Landshark burrows underground and feeds on humans, horses, and halflings
Bull12Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two (1995), Dangerous Denizens: The Monsters of Tellene (2003)
Camel, wild13D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), MC13 – Monstrous Compendium Al-Qadim Appendix (1992), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)
Carrion crawler13Greyhawk set (1974)D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Dragon #267 'The Ecology of the Carrion Crawler: Crawlspaces' (2000), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Dragoneye set #41 (2004)Worm-like cephalopod that scavenges in subterranean areas
Catoblepas13Strategic Review #7 (1976), Dragon #73 'The Ecology of the Catoblepas' (1983), D&D Master Rules (1985) (as 'Nekrozon'), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991) (as 'Nekrozon'), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual II (2002)Loathsome creature whose gaze causes death
Cattle, wild13–14MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993)
Centaur14Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Harbinger set #17 (2003)Dwells in secluded pastures far from human habitation
Centipede, giant14D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000) (as 'Monstrous Centipede'), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003) (as 'Monstrous Centipede')
Cerebral parasite14Eldritch Wizardry, PHBR5 – Complete Psionics Handbook (1991), Expanded Psionics Handbook (2004)Tiny creatures that drain psionic abilities
Chimera14Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), Dragon #94 'The Ecology of the Chimera' (1985), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: War Drums set #45 (2006)Three-headed creature can bite with its lion head, gore with its goat head, and breathe fire with its dragon head
Cockatrice15Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), D&D Companion Rules (1984), Dragon #95 'The Ecology of the Cockatrice' (1985), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2001), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)Rooster-like creature whose touch turns flesh to stone
Couatl15Eldritch Wizardry, MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Deathknell set #2 (2005)Winged, feathered serpents with great intelligence and powers
Crab, giant15Blackmoor set (1975), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Stormwrack (2005) (as 'Monstrous Crab')
Crayfish, giant15MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Dragon #321 (2004)
Crocodile15Blackmoor set (1975) (giant crocodile), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)Described are the normal and giant crocodile
-- Demogorgon (Prince of Demons)16–17Eldritch Wizardry, D&D Immortal Rules (1986), Book of Vile Darkness (2002), Miniatures Handbook (2003) (aspect), D&D Miniatures: Archfiends set #45 (2004) (aspect), Fiendish Codex I (2006), Dragon #357 (2007), Dungeon #150 (2007)
-- Juiblex (The Faceless Lord)17Book of Vile Darkness (2002), Fiendish Codex I (2006)
-- Manes (Sub-Demon)17MC8 – Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991), Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994), Book of Vile Darkness (2002), Fiendish Codex I (2006)Dead which go to the layers of the Abyss become manes
-- Orcus (Prince of the Undead)17–18Eldritch Wizardry, D&D Immortal Rules (1986), H4 – Throne of Bloodstone (1988), Dungeon #89 (2001), Book of Vile Darkness (2002), Miniatures Handbook (2003) (aspect), D&D Miniatures: Archfiends set #47 (2004) (aspect), Fiendish Codex I (2006), Dungeon #149 (2007)
-- Succubus18Eldritch Wizardry, D&D Immortal Rules (1986) (as 'Demon, Whispering'), MC 8 – Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991), Wrath of the Immortals (1992) (as 'Fiend, Lesser, Whispering'), Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Blood War set #59 (2006)Female demons whose kiss drains energy levels
-- Type I (Vrock)18Eldritch Wizardry, D&D Immortal Rules (1986) (as 'Demon, Screaming'), MC 8 – Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991), Wrath of the Immortals (1992) (as 'Fiend, Lesser, Screaming'), Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2000), D&D Miniatures: Archfiends set #58 (2004)Resembles a cross between a human and a vulture
-- Type II (Hezrou)18Eldritch Wizardry, D&D Immortal Rules (1986) (as 'Demon, Croaking'), MC 8 – Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991), Wrath of the Immortals (1992) (as 'Fiend, Lesser, Croaking'), Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Angelfire set #55 (2005)Looks somewhat like a gross toad with arms in place of forelegs
-- Type III (Glabrezu)18Eldritch Wizardry, D&D Immortal Rules (1986) (as 'Demon, Howling'), MC8 – Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991), Wrath of the Immortals (1992) (as 'Fiend, Lesser, Howling'), Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Giants of Legend set (2004)9-foot-tall (2.7 m) demon with a ghastly appearance
-- Type IV (Nalfeshnee, etc.)19Eldritch Wizardry, D&D Immortal Rules (1986) (as 'Demon, Groaning'), H4 – Throne of Bloodstone (1988), MC8 – Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991), Wrath of the Immortals (1992) (as 'Fiend, Lesser, Groaning'), Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)Demons that combine the worst features of an ape and a boar
-- Type V (Marilith, etc.)19Eldritch Wizardry, D&D Immortal Rules (1986) (as 'Demon, Hissing'), MC8 – Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991), Wrath of the Immortals (1992) (as 'Fiend, Lesser, Hissing'), Monstrous Manual (1993), Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Blood War set #55 (2006)Female demons with a multi-armed torso atop the body of a great snake
-- Type VI (Balor, etc.)19Eldritch Wizardry, D&D Immortal Rules (1986) (as 'Demon, Roaring'), MC8 – Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991), Wrath of the Immortals (1992) (as 'Fiend, Lesser, Roaring'), Monstrous Manual (1993), Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Underdark set #41 (2005)This demon's favored weapon is a large sword and a whip with many 'tails', which is employed to drag an opponent into the flames which the demons are able to create around themselves
-- Yeenoghu (Demon Lord of Gnolls)19–20Book of Vile Darkness (2002), Fiendish Codex I (2006) (aspect), Expedition to the Demonweb Pits (2007) (aspect)
DevilDon Turnbull considered the devils the most prominent among the new monsters introduced in the Monster Manual: 'they are all pretty strong and compare not unfavourably in this respect with the Demons we already know'.[2]
-- Asmodeus (Arch-devil)20–21Book of Vile Darkness (2002), Miniatures Handbook (2003) (aspect), Fiendish Codex II (2006) (aspect)
-- Baalzebul (Arch-devil)21Book of Vile Darkness (2002), Fiendish Codex II (2006) (aspect)
-- Barbed (Lesser devil)21MC8 – Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991) (as 'Hamatula'), Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994) (as 'Hamatula'), Monster Manual (2000) (as 'Hamatula'), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Angelfire set #35 (2005)Excellent guards, with horny, barbed hands and horrid tails
-- Bone (Lesser devil)21MC8 – Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991) (as 'Osyluth'), Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994) (as 'Osyluth'), Monster Manual (2000) (as 'Osyluth'), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Archfiends set #29 (2004), D&D Miniatures: Desert of Desolation #31 (2007) (as 'Osyluth')Particularly malicious devils that have a great bone hook they employ to snare and wound opponents
-- Dispater (Arch-devil)21–22Book of Vile Darkness (2002), Fiendish Codex II (2006) (aspect)
-- Erinyes (Lesser devil)22MC8 – Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991), Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Archfiends set #33 (2004)Female devils that are commonly sent forth to garner more souls
-- Geryon (Arch-devil)22Yet More Archfiends (Book of Vile Darkness Web Enhancement) (2002)
-- Horned (Malebranche) (Greater devil)22MC8 – Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991) (as 'Cornugon'), FRQ2 – Hordes of Dragonspear (1992) (as 'Cornugon'), Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994) (as 'Cornugon'), Monster Manual (2000) (as 'Cornugon'), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Blood War set #34 (2006)Hate anything stronger than themselves, and carry a two-tined fork or a barbed whip
-- Ice (Greater devil)22–23MC8 – Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991) (as 'Gelugon'), Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994) (as 'Gelugon'), Monster Manual (2000) (as 'Gelugon'), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Blood War set #35 (2006)Greater devils that attack and torment victims with their claws, mandibles, and tails
-- Lemure23MC8 – Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991), Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994), Monster Manual (2000)

Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Giants of Legend set #34 (2004)

The form in which the dead which inhabit the Nine Hells are put in
-- Pit Fiend (Greater devil)23MC8 – Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991), FRQ2 – Hordes of Dragonspear (1992), Monstrous Manual (1993), Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1994), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Blood War set #42 (2006)Devils of great power that possess a terrible strength and the most evil nature
Dinosaur23–28Blackmoor set (1975) (elasmosaurus, mosasaurus, plesiosaurus), X1 – Isle of Dread (1980), D&D Expert Set (1981), Dragon #55 (1981), D&D Expert Set (1983), Monster Manual II (1983), D&D Master Rules (1985), Dragon #112 (1986), AC9 – Creature Catalogue (1986), MC3 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Three: Forgotten Realms Appendix (1989), Hollow World Boxed Set (1990), HWR1 – Sons of Azca (1991), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Dragon #187 (1992), DMR2 – Creature Catalog (1993), Monstrous Manual (1993), Dungeon #54 (1995), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two (1995), Lands of Intrigue (1997), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual II (2002), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), Dragon #318 (2004), Eberron Campaign Setting (2004), Serpent Kingdoms (2004), Monster Manual III (2004), Sandstorm (2005), Stormwrack (2005), Dungeon #145 (2007)Described are anatosaurus (trachodon), akylosaurus, antrodemus (allosaurus), apatosaurus (brontosaurus), archelon ischyras, brachiosaurus, camarasaurus, ceratosaurus, cetiosaurus, dinichtys, diplodocus, elasmosaurus, gorgosaurus, iguanadon, lambeosaurus, megalosaurus, monoclonius, mososaurus, paleoscincus, pentaceratops, plateosaurus, plesiosaurus, pteranadon, stegosaurus, styracosaurus, teratosaurus, triceratops, and tyrannosaurus rex
Displacer beast28Voyage of the Space Beagle by A. E. van Vogt (1950) (the creature Coeurl was the inspiration for the Displacer Beast), Greyhawk set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), Dragon #109 'The Ecology of the Displacer Beast' (1986), MC 1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003) (also includes a Pack Lord), D&D Miniatures: Harbinger set #41 (2003), D&D Miniatures: War of the Dragon Queen set #29 (2006) (Displacer Beast Pack Lord), D&D Miniatures: Unhallowed set #37 (2007) (Displacer Beast Manhunter)Vaguely puma-like beast always appears to be three feet away from its actual position
Djinni28–29Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), D&D Companion Rules (1984), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Land of Fate (1992), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Angelfire set #17 (2005)Chaotic good creatures from the aerial plane with magical properties
Dog29AC9 – Creature Catalogue (1986), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), DMR2 – Creature Catalog (1993), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)Described here are the war dog and wild dog
Dolphin29Blackmoor set (1975), D&D Companion Rules (1984), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993)Very intelligent creatures of lawful good alignment
Doppleganger29Greyhawk set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), Dragon #80 'The Psychology of the Doppleganger' (1983), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)Bipedal creatures able to shape themselves into the likeness of any humanoid creature they observe
Dragon29-Powerful and intelligent, usually winged reptiles with magical abilities and breath weapon.
-- Black Dragon (Draco Causticus Sputem)31Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), D&D Companion Rules (1984), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Dragoneye set #44 (2004), D&D Icons: Gargantuan Black Dragon (2006), D&D Miniatures: Unhallowed set #55 (2007)Chaotic evil dragons that spit acid
-- Blue Dragon (Draco Electricus)31Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1981, 1983), D&D Companion Rules (1984), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Deathknell set #38 (2005), D&D Icons: Gargantuan Blue Dragon (2007)Lawful evil dragons that discharge a bolt of lightning
-- Brass Dragon (Draco Impudentus Gallus)31Greyhawk set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1997), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Dragoneye set #14 (2004), D&D Miniatures: Unhallowed set #19 (2007)Chaotic good dragons that can breathe a cone of sleep gas or a billowing cloud of fear-causing gas
-- Bronze Dragon (Draco Gerus Bronzo)32Greyhawk set (1974), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: War Drums set #7 (2006)Lawful good dragons that breathe a bolt of lightning or a repulsion gas cloud
-- Chromatic Dragon (Tiamat)32Greyhawk set (1974), Dragon #38 (1980), Polyhedron #73 (1992), Dragon #272 (2000), Manual of the Planes (2001), Miniatures Handbook (2003) ('Aspect of Tiamat'), D&D Miniatures: War of the Dragon Queen set #24 (2006) ('Aspect of Tiamat')Ruler of the first plane of the Nine Hells where she spawns all of evil dragonkind
-- Copper Dragon (Draco Comes Stabuli)32Greyhawk set (1974), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Angelfire set #21 (2005), D&D Miniatures: Desert of Desolation #23 (2007)Chaotic good dragons that breathe a discharge of acid or a cloud of gas that slows creatures
-- Gold Dragon (Draco Orientalus Sino Dux)32–33Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1981, 1983), D&D Companion Rules (1984), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Giants of Legend set #61 (2004), D&D Miniatures: Deathknell set #7 (2005)Lawful good dragons that breathe fire or chlorine gas
-- Green Dragon (Draco Chlorinous Nauseous Respiratorus)33Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1981, 1983), D&D Companion Rules (1984), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003). D&D Miniatures: War of the Dragon Queen set #38 (2005)Lawful evil dragons that breathe a cloud of poisonous chlorine gas
-- Platinum Dragon (Bahamut)33Greyhawk set (1974), Dragon #38 (1980), Polyhedron #73 (1992), Dragon #272 (2000), Manual of the Planes (2001), Miniatures Handbook (2003) ('Aspect of Bahamut'), D&D Miniatures: War of the Dragon Queen set #2 (2006) ('Aspect of Bahamut')The King of Good Dragons, he dwells in a great fortified palace behind the east wind
-- Red Dragon (Draco Conflagratia Horriblus)33–34Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), D&D Companion Rules (1984), Dragon #134 'The Ecology of the Red Dragon' (1988), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Dragoneye set #55 (2004), D&D Miniatures: Giants of Legend set #71 (2004), D&D Icons: Colossal Red Dragon (2006)Chaotic evil dragons that breathe a cone of fire
-- Silver Dragon (Draco Nobilis Argentum)34Greyhawk set (1974), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Archfiends set #5 (2004)Lawful good dragons that breathe a cone of frost or a cloud of paralyzing gas
-- White Dragon (Draco Rigidus Frigidus)34Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), D&D Companion Rules (1984), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Night Below #58 (2007), D&D Icons: Legend of Drizzt Scenario Pack (2007) ('Icingdeath, Gargantuan White Dragon')Chaotic evil dragons that breathe a cone of cold
Dragonne34AC9 – Creature Catalogue, MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), DMR2 – Creature Catalog (1993), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: War Drums set #17 (2006)Cross between a brass dragon and giant lion, roar causes weakness
Dragon turtle35D&D Expert Set (1981), D&D Companion Rules (1984), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules, Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)Gigantic water creatures found in very large rivers and lakes, can belch forth a cloud of scalding steam
Dryad35Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), Dragon #87 'The Ecology of the Dryad' (1984), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)Beautiful, alluring tree sprites, only found near their oak trees
Dwarf35–36Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), PHBR6 – The Complete Book of Dwarves (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), Races of Stone (2004)Rocky hill-dwellers that band together in clans
Eagle, giant36AC9 – Creature Catalogue (1986), Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), DMR2 – Creature Catalog (1993), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Night Below set #18 (2007)Intelligent creatures found on great bluffs, cliffs, mesas, or mountain crags to rest on
Ear seeker36City of Delights (1993), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume One (1994)Small insectoids found in wood that live by eating dead cellulose, leave eggs in creatures head which hatch and larvae eat the host from the inside out
Eel36Blackmoor set (1975) (giant eel, weed eel), Monster Manual II (1983), AC9 – Creature Catalogue (1986), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), DMR2 – Creature Catalog (1993), Monstrous Manual (1993), Stormwrack (2005)Described are the electric, giant, and weed eel
Efreet37Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), D&D Companion Rules (1984), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Angelfire set #39 (2005)
Elemental37–38Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)Described are the air, earth, fire, and water elemental
Elephant38–39D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)Described are the (Asiatic) elephant, and the loxodont (African Elephant)
Elf39–40Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), Blackmoor set (1975) (aquatic elf), D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), PHBR8 – The Complete Book of Elves (1992), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), Races of the Wild (2005)
Ettin40Dragon #92 'Duh 'Cology of Duh Ettin' (1984), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Deathknell set #52 (2005) (Ettin Skirmisher)Giant-like creatures with two heads
Eye, floating40Blackmoor set (1975), WGA3 – Flames of the Falcon (1990), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two (1995)Salt water fish with transparent bodies that hypnotize with their single eye
Eye of the deep41Dragon #93 'The Ecology of the Eye of the Deep' (1985), AC9 – Creature Catalogue (1986) (as 'Beholder, Aquatic'), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), DMR2 – Creature Catalog (1993) (as 'Beholder, Aquatic'), Monstrous Manual (1993), I, Tyrant (1996), Lords of Madness (2005)Beholder-like monster that dwells at the great depths of the ocean, attacks with lobster claws
Flightless bird41MC11 – Monstrous Compendium Forgotten Realms Appendix (1991) (as 'Avian, Flightless Bird'), Dragon #186 (1992) ('Emu'), Monstrous Manual (1993)Includes ostrich, emu, and rhea
Frog, giant41Blackmoor set (1975), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil (2001) ('Giant Frog'), D&D Miniatures: Deathknell set #28 ('Giant Frog'), Dungeon #126 (2005) ('Killer Frog')Described are the giant frog, killer frog, and poisonous frog
Fungi, violet42MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)The branches of this fungus cause flesh to rot
Gar, giant42MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Dragon #321 (2004)
Gargoyle42Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Dragoneye set #52 (2004)Ferocious predators of a magical nature, found among ruins and attack anything they can detect
Gas spore42D&D Companion Rules (1984) (as 'Blast Spore'), Dragon #120 (1987) ('The Ecology of the Gas Spore'), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), I, Tyrant (1996), Lords of Madness (2005)Strongly resemble beholders, and explode violently when struck
Gelatinous cube43Greyhawk set (1974)Cubic scavengers cleanse living organism and carrion from the floor and walls of underground passageways
Ghast43Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Indistinguishable from ghouls except for their carrion stench which causes retching and nausea
Ghost43Spirits of evil humans who were so awful that they have been rewarded (or cursed) with undead status
Ghoul43–44Undead creatures, once human, who feed on corpses
Giant44–45Dungeons & Dragons set (1974); (Greyhawk set (1974) (storm giant)Described are the cloud giant, fire giant, frost giant, hill giant, stone giant, and storm giant
Gnoll46Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Resemble hyenas and live in rapacious bands
Gnome46Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Smaller beings that live in clans
Goat, giant47
Goblin47Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Have a tribal society and dwell in dismal surroundings
Golem47–49Described are the clay, flesh, iron, and stone golem
Gorgon49Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Bull-like creatures covered in thick metal scales that breathe a cloud of noxious vapors which turn any creature to stone
Gray ooze49Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Slimy horror which inhabits subterranean places that closely resembles wet stone or sedimentary cave formations
Green slime49Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Strange plant growths that feed on animal, vegetable, and metallic substances
Griffon50Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Aggressive carnivores whose favorite prey is horses, seek cliffs and rocky habitats in which to build their nests
Groaning spirit (Banshee)50Spirit of an evil female elf whose keening wail causes hearers to die on the spot
Halfling50–51Hard-working, orderly and peaceful citizens of burrows
Harpy51Greyhawk set (1974)Have the bodies of vultures but the upper torsos and heads of women, their sweet-sounding calls cause creatures to approach the harpy who then tortures and devours them
Hell hound51Greyhawk set (1974)Not from the material plane, breathes out scorching fire. Don Turnbull noted that the breath weapon of the 'much-feared' hell hound has been altered from its previous appearance.[2]
Herd animal51Includes musk oxen, reindeer, giraffe, antelopes
Hippocampus51Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Prized marine steed, has the upper body of a horse and the long rear body of a great fish
Hippogriff52Nests on rocky crags, fierce fighters and omnivores
Hobgoblin52–53Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Tribal lawful evil creatures found nearly anywhere
Homunculus53Greyhawk set (1974)Creature created and animated through a special magical alchemical process to serve a magic-user
Horse53Described are the draft, heavy, light, medium, pony, and wild horse
Hydra53–54Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Multi-headed reptilian monsters found in marshes, swamps, and subterranean lairs
Hyena54Described are the hyena and giant hyena (hyaenodon)
Imp54Common on the planes of Acheron and Hell, a minor devil created to spread evil as a familiar to a lawful evil magic-user or cleric
Intellect devourer54–55Eldritch WizardryDwells deep beneath the ground, subsists on the psychic energy of their prey
Invisible stalker55Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Creature from the elemental plane of air conjured to track a target
Irish deer55Moose-sized creatures of the Pleistocene epoch
Ixitxachitl55Blackmoor set (1975)Intelligent rays dwelling in shallow tropical seas with evil disposition and clerica nature
Jackalwere56The jackalwere first appeared in the first edition in the original Monster Manual (1977).[3] The jackalwere appeared in second edition in the Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), and reprinted in the Monstrous Manual (1993). The jackalwere appeared in the third edition Fiend Folio (2003).[4] The jackalwere appeared in the fourth edition in Monster Manual III (2010).[5]Malign foe of humankind, a jackal able to assume the form of a man, gaze puts creatures to sleep
Ki-rin57Eldritch Wizardry (1976),[6]Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989),[7]Monstrous Manual (1993),[8]psionic variant of the ki-rin in The Complete Psionics Handbook (1991),[9] third edition Oriental Adventures (2001)[10]Race of lawful good aerial creatures that will aid humans if the need to combat evil is great
An obituary to Gary Gygax specifically highlights the Ki-rin as an example of the way in which D&D embraces world culture and folklore.[11]
Kobold57Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Tribal creatures with war bands, found in dank, dark places
Lamia59Upper torso, arms, and head of a human female, lower body of a beast, whose touch drains a creature's wisdom
Lammasu59Greyhawk set (1974)Lawful good dwellers of warm regions, who aid and protect lawful good persons
Lamprey59Blackmoor set (1975)Described are the normal and giant lamprey
Larva59The most selfishly evil of all souls who sink to lower planes after death, and dwell in the gloom of Hades
Leech, giant60Blackmoor set (1975)
Leprechaun60Small creatures of magical talent and mischievous nature that dwell in fair, green lands with lush hills and dales
Leucrotta60–61Weird creature that haunts deserted and desolated places, so ugly that other creatures cannot bear the sight of it
Lich61Greyhawk set (1974)Created with the use of powerful and arcane magic, formerly ultra powerful magic-users now non-human and non-living
Lion61Described are the lion, mountain lion, and spotted lion
Lizard61–62Blackmoor set (1975) (fire lizard, minotaur lizard)Described are the fire, giant, minotaur, and subterranean lizard
Lizard man62Greyhawk set (1974)Semi-aquatic, dwelling underwater, omnivorous but prefer human flesh
Locathah62Blackmoor set (1975)Humanoid aquatic nomads, hunting and gathering food from bountiful warm waters
Lurker above62Carnivorous subterranean creature that can disguise itself as part of the ceiling
Lycanthrope63–64Dungeons & Dragons set (1974) (werewolf, wereboar, weretiger, werebear); Greyhawk set (1974) (wererat)Described are the werebear, wereboar, wererat, weretiger, and werewolf
Lynx, giant64Very intelligent and speak their own language
Manticore65Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Has a lion body, bat wings, and a human head, attacks by loosing a volley of iron spikes from its tail
Masher65Blackmoor set (1975)Worm-like fish move along coral reefs, defends itself with poisoned spines
Medusa66Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Hateful humanoid creatures that try to beguile humans to look into their eyes, causing them to turn to stone
Men66–69Described are the bandit (brigand), berserker, buccaneer (pirate), caveman (tribesman), dervish (nomad), merchant, pilgrim
Merman70Blackmoor set (1975)Found in the seas and oceans and have regular undersea communities
Mimic70Subterranean creatures that are able to perfectly mimic stone and wood
Mind flayer70Eldritch WizardryEvil subterranean creature that considers humanity as cattle to feed upon, draws forth brains with its tentacles
Minotaur71Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Cruel man-eaters, typically found in labyrinthe places in the wilderness and underground
Mold71Dungeons & Dragons set (1974) (yellow)Described are the brown mold and yellow mold
Morkoth71Blackmoor set (1975)Dim, shadowy monster, 'wraith of the deep,' lairs in a series of spiraling tunnels
Mummy72Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Undead humans that retain a semblance of life and seek to destroy living things. Don Turnbull noted that the mummy was revised from its previous statistics, and could now cause paralysis on sight (as a result of fear).[2]
Naga72–73Described are the guardian, spirit, and water naga
Neo-otyugh73Larger, more intelligent species of otyugh
Night hag73Rule the convoluted planes of Hades, form larvae (see above) from evil persons they slay, and sell to demons and devils. Don Turnbull referred to the night hag as 'splendid' and notes that the illustration of the night hag is the best drawing in the book.[2]
Nightmare74'Demon horse' or 'hell horse' from the lower plans, ridden primarily by powerful demons and devils, night hags, vampires, and liches
Nixie74Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Water sprites that inhabit lakes and dwell in living seaweed
Nymph74Beautiful, ever-young women that inhabit lovely wilderness places, and can cast druidic spells
Ochre jelly75Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Form of giant amoeba that seeps about in dungeons, hunting for flesh to devour
Octopus, giant75Blackmoor set (1975)
Ogre75Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Ugly-tempered and voracious creatures sometimes found as mercenaries
Ogre mage (Japanese ogre)76Greyhawk set (1974)
Orc76Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Fiercely competitive bullies, tribal creatures often living underground
Otter, giant77Blackmoor set (1975)
Otyugh77Weird omnivorous scavengers whose diet consists of dung, offal, and carrion, always found underground. Don Turnbull referred to the otyugh as a 'most interesting creation'.[2]
Owl, giant77Very intelligent nocturnal predators will sometimes befriend other creatures
Owlbear77Greyhawk set (1974)Horrible creatures that inhabit tangled forest regions, attacks with great claws and snapping beak
Pegasus78Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Chaotic good intelligent winged horses that make the swiftest of steeds
Peryton78Dragon #82 (1984), Monstrous Compendium Forgotten Realms Appendix II (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monsters of Faerûn (2001), Monster Vault 2: Threats to the Nentir Vale (2011)Omnivorous creatures of the weirdest appearance, having the lower bodies of birds and the upper bodies of stags
Piercer78Inhabit caves and caverns and are indistinguishable from stalactites clinging to cave roofs, drop down on opponents to kill them
Pike, giant78
Pixie79Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Idyllic woodland dwellers that are naturally invisible, carry slim swords and war arrows that puts an opponent to sleep
Porcupine, giant79
Portuguese man-o-war, giant79Blackmoor set (1975)
Pseudo-dragon79These highly sought after creatures can deliver a vicious bite with their small jaws, but also have a flexible sting-equipped tail
Purple worm80Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)50-foot-long (15 m) burrowing worms constantly in search of food, can swallow human-sized creatures whole
Quasit80Common on the planes of Pandemonium and the Abyss, a minor demon created to spread evil as a familiar to a chaotic evil magic-user or cleric
Rakshasa81Evil spirits encased in flesh, first known in India, fond of a diet of human meat and masters of illusion
Ram, giant81
Rat, giant (Sumatran)81
Ray81Blackmoor set (1975) (pungi, manta)Described are the manta ray, pungi ray, and stingray
Remorhaz82The Dragon #2 (1976)Polar worms, huge aggressive predators
Rhinoceros82Described are the rhinoceros and wooly rhinoceros
Roc82Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Huge eagle-like birds that inhabit the highest mountains, and prey upon large creatures such as cattle, horses, and elephants
Roper83Cavern dwellers that stand upright to resemble pillars or stalagmites, can draw prey into their toothy maws with strands of strong, sticky rope-like excretions
Rot grub83'The Ecology of the Rot Grub', Dragon #122 (June 1987). Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989). Monstrous Manual (1993). Dungeonscape (2007). Monster Manual 3 (2010). Volo's Guide to Monsters.Found in heaps of offal or dung, will viciously burrow into living flesh until they reach the heart and kill their host
Rust monster83Greyhawk set (1974)Subterranean inhabitants that eat ferrous metals such as iron, steel, and steel alloys
Sahuagin84–85Blackmoor set (1975)'Seadevils' dwell in warm salt water depths, predatory in the extreme and kill for sport and pleasure as well as food
Salamander85Greyhawk set (1974)Evil creatures of the elemental plane of fire that prefer temperatures of 300 degrees and upwards
Satyr85Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes (1976)Sylvan woodland inhabitants primarily interested in sport such as frolicking, piping, chasing wood nymphs
Scorpion, giant85–86
Sea hag86Inhabit thickly vegetated shallows, they hate beauty and are so ghastly in appearance to make other creatures weak with fright
Sea horse, giant86Blackmoor set (1975)
Sea lion86Fearsome carnivores that inhabit coastal marine waters, whose top halves resemble lions and bottom halves resemble sea creatures
Shadow86Greyhawk set (1974)Horrible undead creatures that drain strength merely by touching an opponent. Don Turnbull noted his disappointment that the shadow in the Monster Manual is of the undead class and thus subject to a cleric's turn undead ability: 'I used to enjoy seeing clerics vainly trying to turn what wouldn't turn, when Shadows were first met'.[2]
Shambling mound87Apparent heaps of rotting vegetation shamblers are intelligent forms of vegetable life that suffocate prey in their slime
Shark87Blackmoor set (1975) (giant shark)Described are the shark and giant shark (megalodon)
Shedu87Eldritch WizardryLawful good creatures that travel around the world seeking to help allied creatures when in need
Shrieker87Mindless ambulatory fungus that emit a piercing shriek when any light source or movement comes nearby
Skeleton87–88Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Magically animated, undead monsters enchanted by powerful magic-users or clerics of evil alignment
Skunk, giant88
Slithering tracker88Transparent and almost impossible to discover, attacks when prey is asleep by drawing all the plasma from its body
Slug, giant88Greyhawk set (1974)
Snake, giant88–89Described are the amphisbaena, constrictor, poisonous snake, sea snake, and spitting snake
Spectre89Dungeons & Dragons set (1974)Powerful undead humans that haunt the most desolate of places, tombs and dungeons, and drain the life energy of opponents
Sphinx89–90Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes (1976)Described are the androsphinx, criosphinx, gynosphinx, and hieracosphinx
Spider90Greyhawk set (1974) (phase spider), Blackmoor set (1975) (water spider)Described are the giant, huge, large, phase spider, and giant water spider
Sprite92Dwell in meadows and wooded glens, shy and reclusive, armed with arrows that put creatures to sleep
Squid, giant92Blackmoor set (1975)
Stag92Described are the stag and giant stag
Stirge92–93Greyhawk set (1974)Found in dark, tangled forests or in subterranean lairs, and lay in wait for warm-blooded creatures to drink their blood
Strangle weed93Intelligent kelp found in relatively warm sea water, crushes victims with its fronds
Su-monster93Eldritch WizardryInhabits forsaken wilderness areas, has a prehensile tail to swing from limb from limb, has psionic attack
Sylph93Beautiful winged creatures similar to nymphs that dwell in aerial places
Thought eater94Eldritch Wizardry, PHBR5 – Complete Psionics Handbook (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Psionics Handbook (2001), Expanded Psionics Handbook (2004)Dwellers in the ether attracted by the use of psionics, that can absorb psionic or spell energy
Tick, giant94Greyhawk set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977), Monstrous Manual (1993), Dragon #321
Tiger94D&D Basic Set (1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), Frostburn (2004)Described are the tiger and sabre-tooth tiger (smilodon)
Titan94–95Greyhawk set (1974), MC8 – Monstrous Compendium Outer Planes Appendix (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)Dwell on a plane somewhere above the material plane, chaotic good beings that resemble 18-foot-tall (5.5 m) humans
Titanothere95D&D Expert Set (1981), AC9 – Creature Catalogue (1986), MC3 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Three: Forgotten Realms Appendix (1989), DMR2 – Creature Catalog (1993), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two (1995)
Toad, giant95Blackmoor set (1975), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Oriental Adventures (2001), Frostburn (2004)Described are the giant toad, ice toad, and poisonous toad
Trapper95–96Strategic Review #5 (1975), Dragon #84 'The Ecology of the Trapper' (1984), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993)Clever monsters that can shape their flat bodies to appear as part of a stone floor
Treant96Dungeons & Dragons set (1974) (originally listed as 'Ents'), D&D Expert Set (1981), Dragon #79 'The Ecology of the Treant' (1983), D&D Expert Set (1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Giants of Legend set #63 (2004)Combines features of both humans and trees, dwell in forests and are indistinguishable from trees, can cause trees to come to life and move
Triton96Greyhawk set (1974), AC9 – Creature Catalogue (1986), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), DMR2 – Creature Catalog (1993), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)Rumored to be from the elemental plane of water, sea dwellers with the upper bodies of humans and the lower bodies of fish
Troglodyte97D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Dragon #235 'The Ecology of the Troglodyte' (1996), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Dragoneye set #60 (2004)Reptilian humanoids that dwell in subterranean places, loathe humans and slaughter all they encounter
Troll97Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Dragon #301 'Malignant Growth: The Ecology of the Troll' (2002), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Harbinger set #77 (2003)Horrid carnivores that know no fear and are able to regenerate damage taken
Turtle, giant97MC5 – Monstrous Compendium Greyhawk Appendix (1990), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two (1995), Stormwrack (2005)Described are the giant sea turtle and giant snapping turtle
Umber hulk98Greyhawk set (1974), AC9 – Creature Catalogue (1986) (as 'Hook Beast, Hulker'), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dragon #152 'The Ecology of the Umber Hulk' (1989), DMR2 – Creature Catalog (as 'Hook Beast, Hulker), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Harbinger set #78 (2003)Subterranean predators with iron-like claws that enable them to burrow through solid stone, and their eyes cause a dangerous confusion in opponents
Unicorn98Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977), D&D Expert Set (1981), Dragon #77 'The Ecology of the Unicorn' (1983), D&D Expert Set (1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Archfiends set #22 (2004)Dwelling in temperate woodlands, these chaotic good creatures shun contact with nearly all creatures
Vampire99Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), Supplement I: Greyhawk (1975), D&D Basic Set (1977), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)Chaotic evil, night-prowling creatures and their powerful negative force drains life energy from victims
Wasp, giant99Blackmoor set (1975), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)
Water weird100AC9 – Creature Catalogue (1986), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), DMR2 – Creature Catalog (1993), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual II (2002), Dragon #347 'The Ecology of the Elemental Weird' (2006)Originating from the elemental place of water, attacks all living things, feeding from their essences
Weasel, giant100D&D Expert Set (1981), D&D Companion Rules (1984), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two (1995)
Whale100Blackmoor set (1975), D&D Expert Set (1981), D&D Companion Rules (1984), MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)
Wight100Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Harbinger set #52 (2003), Dragon #348 'The Ecology of the Wight' (2006)Undead humans that inhabit barrow mounds or catacombs, evil and hateful, seeking to destroy all life they encounter
Will-o-(the)-wisp101Greyhawk set (1974), Dragon #99 'The Ecology of the Will-o-Wisp' (1985), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), Dragon: Monster Ecologies 'The Ecology of the Will-O'-Wisp' (2007)Commonly haunt deserted bogs, fens, swamps and the like, feeds upon the life force of dying beings
Wind walker101Strategic Review #3 (1975), ALQ2 – Assassin Mountain (1993), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume One (1994)Creatures from the elemental plane of air that attack by wind force
Wolf101D&D Basic Set (1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Harbinger set #80 (2003) (worg), D&D Miniatures: Harbinger set #37 (2003) (wolf), D&D Miniatures: Underdark set #60 (2005) (winter wolf)Described are the wolf, dire wolf (worg), and winter wolf
Wolverine101–102MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Two (1995), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Angelfire set #54 (2005) (fiendish dire wolverine)Described are the wolverine, and giant wolverine
Wraith102Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Harbinger set #53 (2003)Undead, similar to wights, with a chilling touch that drains life energy
Wyvern102Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Expert Set (1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Dragon Annual #1 'The Ecology of the Wyvern' (1996), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Aberrations set #25 (2004)Distantly related to dragons, stupid but very aggressive, can lash with sting-equipped tail
Xorn102MC 2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Underdark set #28 (2005)From the elemental plane of earth, feed on certain rare minerals, snacks upon copper and silver
Yeti103Strategic Review #3 (1975), Dragon #127 'The Ecology of the Yeti' (1987), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Oriental Adventures (2001), Frostburn (2004)Inhabits regions of icy cold, very fond of human flesh
Zombie103Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003)Magically animated corpses, undead creatures under the command of the evil magic-users or clerics who animated them

TSR 2012 – Fiend Folio (1981)[edit]

The Fiend Folio: Tome of Creatures Malevolent and Benign was the second monster book for the first edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, published in 1981. While the Monster Manual consisted primarily of monsters previously published in D&D books edited by Gary Gygax, the Fiend Folio consisted mostly of monsters submitted to White Dwarf's 'Fiend Factory' column. Don Turnbull, later Managing Director of TSR UK, was the editor for the 'Fiend Factory' column, as well as the Fiend Folio, which was billed as 'the first major British contribution to the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game system.' The monsters in this book are presented in the same format as those in the previous Monster Manual work, and most featured illustrations of the monsters. Also, there are full-page black and white illustrations of various monsters throughout the book. The book contains a foreword on pages 3–4, an alphabetical table of contents on page 5, explanatory notes on pages 6–7, descriptions of the monsters on pages 8–97, a treasure chart on page 99, additional tables and charts for all the monsters in both the Monster Manual and Fiend Folio on pages 100–119, an index of major listings (including the contributor for each monster) on pages 120–124, with an epilogue on page 124.

Monster Manual (AD&D 1e) (1977) Average Rating: 8.02 / 10. Add a copy to your collection Record information Record a play. Use this tool to rate games, save. — First edition, 1977 'this is the original source used by Dungeon Masters and players to create challenges and combat scenarios' Within the covers of this book lurk the monsters that made the AD&D ® game famous. Elves, dwarves, dragons, orcs, ghosts, and werewolves come to life as you read their detailed descriptions. ADD TO WISHLIST Watermarked PDF. Average Rating (38 ratings) All your favorite monsters are back! Now you can download the 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual. Monster Manual (1977), by Gary Gygax, was the first release for the AD&D game. It was published in December 1977. About the Cover. Frost Giant by Dave Trampier, AD&D Monster Manual, TSR, 1977. Frost Giant by Dave Trampier, AD&D Monster Manual, TSR, 1977. Old School FRP. Mysterious robed dungeon-dwelling person/thing presents: The original golden age of fantasy role. Warhammer Lore Dungeon Master's Guide High Fantasy Fantasy Rpg.


CreaturePageOther AppearancesVariantsDescription
Aarakocra8MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Dark Sun Monstrous Compendium Appendix II (1995) (Athasian Aarakocra), Polyhedron #121 (1996) (Malatran Aarakocra), Monsters of Faerûn (2001)Intelligent winged humanoids with an avian appearance. Their wings are described as being more along the lines of pterodactyls or bats than those found on birds or angels, and they are depicted as possessing two pairs of hands—one pair as part of their wings, while the other pair are hidden behind the talons on their feet.
Achaierai9MC14 – Monstrous Compendium Fiend Folio Appendix (1992), Planes of Law (1995), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Aberrations set #26 (2004)Achaierai are depicted as large flightless birds—reminiscent of the kiwi (albeit considerably larger) —with four legs and a raptor-like beak.
Adherer9White Dwarf #7 (June/July 1978) (as 'Gluey'), MC14 – Monstrous Compendium Fiend Folio Appendix (1992)While the adherer is described as having a mummy-like appearance, it is not technically undead. Instead it is a humanoid covered with loose folds of white skin that is said to secrete an adhesive substance which causes weapons employed against it to be reduced in effectiveness and to stick to its body.
Aleax11Planescape Campaign Setting (1994), Book of Exalted Deeds (2003)An aleax in Dungeons & Dragons is an avatar of certain gods sent as vengeance for angering the deity. It is only visible to the victim, and has identical characteristics to the target—the same armour, skills and weapons. If the target is defeated, the Fiend Folio states that the victim will be raised from the dead, minus all their treasure and half of their experience. If the target wins, he or she is taken to serve the deity for a year and a day.
Algoid11MC14 – Monstrous Compendium Fiend Folio Appendix (1992)A colony of algae that appears in the form of a green humanoid.
Al-mi'raj11–12MC14 – Monstrous Compendium Fiend Folio Appendix (1992)The al-mi'raj is depicted as a cross between a rabbit and a unicorn—in effect, it is a large hare with a horn protruding from its forehead.
Apparition[12]12D&D Companion Rules (1984) (as 'Phantom, Apparition'), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991) (as 'Phantom, Apparition'), Monstrous Compendium Fiend Folio Appendix (1992),[13]Guide to the Ethereal Plane (1998).[14]These are described as being undead creatures that lack the ability to interact with the physical world. Instead they attack by suggestion, fooling victims into believing that they are being strangled, even though the Apparition itself is unable to directly inflict physical damage.
The apparition appeared in the Tome of Horrors (2002) from Necromancer Games.[15]
Assassin bug12White Dwarf #12 (1979), Monstrous Manual (1993)Assassin bugs are described as four-legged insects that reproduce by implanting eggs into living human hosts.
Astral searcher13Planescape Campaign Setting (1994)The Fiend Folio describes Astral Searchers as creatures that come into existence as a result of certain intense or traumatic events. They seek to possess their victims, and, if successful, the person cannot be saved—even if the Astral Searcher is removed. They are not considered to be undead.
Babbler13Tome of Horrors (2002)The babbler is a variation on the lizard man—an intelligent reptile reminiscent of a small dinosaur, that lives in marshes and likes to devour human flesh.
Bat, giant14D&D Basic Set (1981), D&D Basic Set (1983), MC1 – Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993)The giant bat in the Fiend Folio is exactly what its name would suggest—a giant form of bat with a 6' wingspan. White Dwarf reviewer Jamie Thomson commented on the giant bat, noting that it 'seems an obvious choice for D&D.[16]
Berbalang14White Dwarf #11 (1979), Best of White Dwarf Scenarios (1980), MC3 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Three: Forgotten Realms Appendix (1989), A Guide to the Astral Plane (1996), 4th Edition Monster Manual (2008)A gargoyle-like creature, the Berbalang is described as a bipedal creature with leathery skin and bat-like wings. It spends most of its life in a state of hibernation while its spirit astral travels. For a few days each month, it sends a projection out into the world to kill and feed.
Blindheim15Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Four (1998), Dragon #339 (2006)A frog-like creature of low intelligence, the blindheim has eyes that emit beams of light. When attacking a victim in its subterranean realm, it opens its eyes, temporarily blinding the target.
Blood hawk15White Dwarf #2 (1977), Best of White Dwarf Scenarios (1980), Fiend Folio (2003)The blood hawk is, as the name would suggest, a hawk. It is roughly the same size as a normal hawk, but is described as having a 'razor sharp beak' and strong talons, with eagle-like wings.
Bloodworm, giant15White Dwarf #12 (1979), Monstrous Manual (1993)Giant bloodworms are, according to the Fiend Folio, huge (20' long) worms that live in underground pools. While not described as particularly aggressive, when attacking they attach themselves to their victim and drain their blood in a leech-like manner.
Bonesnapper15–16White Dwarf #6 (1978), MC5 – Monstrous Compendium Greyhawk Appendix (1990)Small carnivorous dinosaurs (5' in height) that decorate their lairs with human jawbones. In the Fiend Folio, the bonesnapper is depicted as being similar in shape to the carnosauria.
Booka16MC5 – Monstrous Compendium Greyhawk Appendix (1990)Booka are described as being small, good creatures who are similar to traditional depictions of faeries. They often help around houses, but can cause mischief when upset.
Bullywug16–17MC2 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), The Knight of Newts (1993) (appearing in this Basic D&D module as 'Newt'), Monstrous Manual (1993) (including Advanced Bullywug), Living Greyhawk Journal #2 (2000) (Bullywug Savant), Monsters of Faerûn (2001), D&D Miniatures: Deathknell set #48 (2005) (Bullywug Thug)Bullywugs are described as humanoids with the head of frogs. They are usually shorter than a human, with leathery skin and webbed digits. They are very good jumpers, and can jump roughly 30 feet forward and 15 feet vertically. They inhabit temperate to tropical swamps.
Bunyip17MC3 – Monstrous Compendium Volume Three: Forgotten Realms Appendix (1989), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three (1996)The bunyip is loosely based on the creature from Australian mythology. They live in lakes, marshes and some rivers, and are mostly playful rather than dangerous, but they do occasionally attack smaller creatures such as dwarves.
Carbuncle17–18White Dwarf #8 (1978), Best of White Dwarf Scenarios (1980), Tome of Horrors (2002)Carbuncles are described as being small, armadillo-like creatures with a large ruby stuck into its head. They typically infiltrate groups of adventurers and spread dissent through psychic powers.
Caryatid column18WGR1 – Greyhawk Ruins (1990), Monstrous Manual (1993), Fiend Folio (2003)The Fiend Folio describes the caryatid column as being very similar to a golem. As with other golems, the caryatid column is an artificial construct animated by magic. They appear to players as columns with fine carving suggesting the shape of a woman holding a sword. When activated, (typically by an event trigger), they transform into 'young maidens' and do battle, returning to their original position and state once the threat has been dispatched.
Caterwaul18–19MC14 – Monstrous Compendium Fiend Folio Appendix (1991)The caterwaul is a bipedal feline, noted for its ability to climb, hide in shadows and to move silently. When attacking, it is said to emit a high pitched screech that will cause damage to anyone nearby.
Cifal19Polyhedron #145 (2000)Cifals are described as being a large colony of insects which has massed together into a vaguely bipedal form.
Clubnek19Tome of Horrors (2002)Large flightless birds, described as 'mutated ostriches', that attack with their beaks and claws.
Coffer corpse19–21White Dwarf #8 (1978), MC14 – Monstrous Compendium Fiend Folio Appendix (1992), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three (1996)Undead zombies derived from corpses that have failed to be fully disposed of, such as funeral barges which have become stranded.
Crabman21MC14 – Monstrous Compendium Fiend Folio Appendix (1992), Monstrous Manual (1993), Fiend Folio (2003) (as 'Yurian')The crabman is a large monstrous humanoid. Crabmen are simple hunter-gatherers and generally peaceful. A crabman is usually neutral and generally lives near warm sea coasts.
Crypt thing21MC5 – Monstrous Compendium Greyhawk Appendix (1990), Monstrous Manual (1993), Living Greyhawk Journal #5 (2002), Fiend Folio (2003)Crypt things are depicted as being undead skeletons that wear brown robes, found within their private lairs. When attacked they will attempt to teleport their attackers to a random location.
Dakon22Dragon #187 'The Ecology of the Dakon' (1992), Monstrous Manual (1993), Living Greyhawk Journal #5 (2002)Dakons are described as shaggy, intelligent apes with a reasonable grasp of language, that live in jungle settings. A dakon is depicted as being light brown in color, with green eyes and black hands.
Dark creeper22MC14 – Monstrous Compendium Fiend Folio Appendix (1992), Fiend Folio (2003), D&D Miniatures: Underdark set #42 (2005)Dark Creepers are small humanoids (about 4' in height) that are described as preferring to dwell underground due to their hatred of light. They operate like thieves, extinguishing light sources and stealing small magical items. When killed, the Fiend Folio states that they spontaneously burst into flame.
Dark stalker23
Death dog23White Dwarf reviewer Jamie Thomson commented on the death dog, which is 'rumored to be a descendant of Cerberus'.[16]
Death knight23
Demon24–25Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders (a lesser goddess), is described here
Denzelian25White Dwarf reviewer Jamie Thomson commented on Lolth, as a giant spider-creature 'which often appears on fantasy literature'.[16]
Devil25–26The Styx devil, a greater devil, is described here
Devil dog26White Dwarf #11 (Feb/March 1979)
Dire corby26
Disenchanter27White Dwarf #6 (April/May 1978)
Doombat27White Dwarf #13 (June/July 1979)
Dragon, Oriental27–30Described here are the Li Lung (Earth Dragon), Lung Wang (Sea Dragon), Pan Lung (Coiled Dragon), Shen Lung (Spirit Dragon), T'ien Lung (Celestial Dragon), and Yu Lung (Carp Dragon). Dragon contributor Alan Zumwait was pleased by the inclusion of the neutral Oriental dragons, but felt that their descriptions were inferior to those of the dragons in the Monster Manual.[17]
Dune stalker30White Dwarf #2 (Aug/Sept 1977)
Elemental Princes of Evil31–33Described here are Cryonax (Prince of Evil Cold Creatures), Imix (Prince of Evil Fire Creatures), Ogrémoch (Prince of Evil Earth Creatures), Olhydra (Princess of Evil Water Creatures), and Yan-C-Bin (Prince of Evil Aerial Creatures). Ed Greenwood considered the Elemental Princes of Evil 'worthy additions to any campaign'.[18]
Elf, Drow (dark elf)33–34Ed Greenwood noted that the previously published drow were 'expected attractions, but good to see nonetheless.'[18]
Eye killer35The eye killer first appeared in White Dwarf #7 (June 1978). The eye killer appeared in the original first edition Fiend Folio (1981).[12] The eye killer appeared in the Tome of Horrors (2002) from Necromancer Games.[19]An eye killer is a creature with a bat-like upper torso on the body of a large snake. Its stunted wings cannot support flight. Its upper body is a dark grey-green while the lower part is a medium green flecked with dully yellow. Its eyes are disproportionately large and apparently lidless. An eye killer dwells in dark places underground. An eye killer will attack creatures by crushing them with its coils, but if an approaching party carries lanterns or torches, the eye killer can use its Death Stare once per day. Its eyes gather the illumination falling on them, amplifying it enormously, and project it back at the light-bearer as a powerful, narrow ray of intense light that kills instantly.
Eye of fear and flame35
Fire snake38
Flail snail38Monstrous Compendium Greyhawk Appendix (1990), Dragon #258 (April 1999) in 'The Ecologies of the Flail Snail: The Price of Flailure', Tome of Horrors (2002) p. 138 from Necromancer Games, Misfit Monsters Redeemed (2010) p. 28-33 from Paizo PublishingThe flail snail is an enormous gastropod with six tentacles on its head, each tipped with a mace-like club.
Frost man40
Garbug41Described here are the black garbug and violet garbug
Giant41–42Described here are the fog giant and mountain giant
Giant strider42
Githyanki43–45White Dwarf #12 (April/May 1979)
Gorbel46Tome of Horrors (2002)[20]

Monstrous Compendium Fiend Folio Appendix 2nd edition (1992).[21]
Monstrous Manual (1993).[22]

A red globe of translucent, thin rubbery material, with six tiny red eyes on short, retractable eyestalks equally spaced around the top of its spherical body, and two short, clawed legs on its underside. When its hide is pierced or slashed, its balloon-like body bursts, releasing a cloud of pyrophoric gas which explodes. A gorbel can also explode if damaged by magic spells, or if it is within the blast range of another exploding gorbel.[23]
Gorilla bear46Tome of Horrors (2002)[24]A creature with the head, body and legs of a gorilla with the sharp teeth and powerful arms of a bear. A gorilla bear has a grizzly bear's aggressive disposition and a cave bear's carnivorous tendencies.[25]
Grell46–48White Dwarf #12 (April/May 1979)
Guardian daemon49
Guardian familiar49White Dwarf #10 (Dec/Jan 1978/9) (as 'Familiar')
Hoar fox50
Hook horror51White Dwarf #12 (April/May 1979)The hook horror is described as an aberration that stands about nine feet tall and weighs almost 350 pounds . It has a mottled grey exoskeleton, which is extremely thick and dense, and as difficult to breach as metal armor. Its front limbs end in 12-inch-long razor-sharp, blade-like hooks. These hooks are its primary method of combat. Its legs are similar to those of a bird, and its head is shaped like that of a vulture, including the hooked beak. Its eyes, however, are multifaceted like that of an insect.
Hornet, giant51
Hound of ill omen51The hound of ill omen first appeared in the original first edition Fiend Folio (1981).[12]

The hound of ill omen appeared in second edition in Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three (1996).[26]

A hound of ill omen is sent by one of the gods as a curse to a misbehaving follower.
Ice lizard52The ice lizard first appeared in the original first edition Fiend Folio (1981).[12] The ice lizard appeared in the second edition in the Monstrous Compendium Fiend Folio Appendix (1992).[27] The ice drake appeared under the 'drake' heading in the Tome of Horrors (2002) from Necromancer Games.[28]An ice lizard is a snow-white lizard which appears similarly to a 3-foot long white dragon in its natural form, and has the ability to change its form into that of a full-sized white dragon.
Imorph52White Dwarf #9 (Oct/Nov 1978)
Iron cobra52–53
Jermlaine53–54Descent into the Depths of the Earth (1978),[29]Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989),[30]Monstrous Manual (1993) under the 'gremlin' entry, Dragon #262 (August 1999).,[31] third edition Monster Manual II (2002)[32]
Khargra56–57The khargra is a type of extraplanar creature. The khargra first appeared in the original first edition Fiend Folio (1981).[12]
Kuo-toa57–59Ed Greenwood noted that the previously published drow and kuo-toa were 'expected attractions, but good to see nonetheless.'[18]
Lamia noble59
Lava children61
Lizard king61
Magnesium spirit62
Mephit64–66White Dwarf #13 (June/July 1979) (as 'imp': 'fire imp', 'molten imp', 'smoke imp' and 'steam imp')Described here are the fire, lava, smoke, and steam mephit
Mite66White Dwarf #6 (April/May 1978)
Necrophidius67White Dwarf #7 (June/July 1978)
Needleman67White Dwarf #6 (April/May 1978)
Nilbog67–68White Dwarf #6 (April/May 1978)
Phantom stalker72–73
Protein polymorph73
Quaggoth74The quaggoth first appeared in first edition in the original Fiend Folio (1981).[12]The quaggoth is a primitive monstrous humanoid that lives underground, and is frequently enslaved by other more advanced races.
Revenant75–76The revenant first appeared in first edition in the original Fiend Folio (1981).[12] It appeared in second edition for the Forgotten Realms setting in the Monstrous Compendium Forgotten Realms Appendix (1989),[33] and reprinted in the Monstrous Manual (1993).[34] It appeared in third edition for the Forgotten Realms setting as a template in Monsters of Faerûn (2001),[35] and in the adventure City of the Spider Queen (2002).[36] It was added as a fully playable character race for 4th edition in Dragon #376 (2009).[37]The revenant is a powerful undead creature that has a strong physical resemblance to a zombie, a far less powerful undead creature.
Sandman77White Dwarf #10 (Dec/Jan 1978/9)
Screaming devilkin77–78Tome of Horrors (2002) from Necromancer Games.[38]A small creature that resembles a mephit in appearance. It is three feet tall, with a long, muscular barbed tail and leathery wings with a 5-foot span. Its legs and arms are disproportionately small and useless for movement or combat. It always attacks and never willingly breaks off a fight, striking with its cruelly barbed tail, and has a painful howling scream which it uses continuously in the presence of other beings that makes other vocalization inaudible.[39]
Shadow demon78
Sheet ghoul78White Dwarf #11 (Feb/March 1979)
Sheet phantom78–79White Dwarf #11 (Feb/March 1979)
Skeleton warrior79
Slaad80–83Described here are the blue slaad; death slaad (the Lesser Masters); green slaad; grey slaad (the Executioners); red slaad; Ssendam, Lord of the Insane (slaad lord); and Ygorl, Lord of Entropy (slaad lord). Ed Greenwood considered the slaad 'worthy additions to any campaign'.[18]
Son of Kyuss83
Sussurus84White Dwarf #9 (Oct/Nov 1978)
Svirfneblin (deep gnome)84–85
Symbiotic jelly85White Dwarf #8 (Aug/Sept 1978) (as 'Chaoticus Symbioticus')
Thoqqua (rockworm)87–88
Throat leech88White Dwarf #6 (April/May 1978)Appeared in second edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons under the 'leech' heading in the Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989),[40] and in the Monstrous Manual (1993).[41]A throat leech is a small twig-sized creature found in pools, lakes, and streams. If swallowed, it stays in the creature's throat and sucks blood until it becomes fully distended, which causes the victim to choke.
Tiger fly88–89
Tirapheg89White Dwarf #11 (Feb/March 1979) (as 'Lauren', 'an anagram of 'unreal')
Troll90–91Described here are the giant troll, giant two-headed troll, ice troll, and spirit troll
Tween91White Dwarf #8 (Aug/Sept 1978)
Umpleby92White Dwarf #9 (Oct/Nov 1978)
Urchin92–93White Dwarf #9 (Oct/Nov 1978)Described here are the black, green, red, silver, and yellow urchin
Volt94White Dwarf #7 (June/July 1978)
Witherstench95White Dwarf #11 (Feb/March 1979)
Witherweed95White Dwarf #7 (June/July 1978)
Xvart96White Dwarf #9 (Oct/Nov 1978) (as 'Svart')
Yellow musk creeper97
Zombie, yellow musk97

TSR 2016 – Monster Manual II (1983)[edit]

Monster Manual II was the third and final monster book for the first edition of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, published in 1983, and has the largest page count of the three. As with the Monster Manual, this book was written primarily by Gary Gygax. While this book contains a number of monsters that previously appeared in limited circulation (such as in Dragon or in adventure modules), unlike the Monster Manual and Fiend Folio a large amount of its contents was entirely new at publication. The monsters in this book are presented in the same format as the Monster Manual and Fiend Folio. The book contains a preface on page 4, a section entitled 'How To Use This Book' on pages 5–7, descriptions of the monsters on pages 8–132, random encounter tables on pages 133–155, and an index of all the monsters in the Monster Manual, Fiend Folio, and Monster Manual II on pages 156–160. Unlike the previous two books, this book does not contain an alphabetical listing of the monsters in the beginning of the book.


CreaturePageOther AppearancesVariantsDescription
Afanc (/ˈfæŋk/AY-fank)[42]8afanc (gawwar samakat): City of Delights boxed set (1993); afanc and young afanc: Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume One (1994)[43]The afanc appeared in Tome of Horrors 3 in 2005, by Necromancer Games.[44] The entry was updated for the Pathfinder game rules and appeared in The Tome of Horrors Complete in 2011, by Frog God Games.[45]
Ant lion10Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989),[46]Monstrous Manual (1993),[47]Sandstorm: Mastering the Perils of Fire and Sand (2005)[48]An ant lion is a huge insect that preys on other giant insects. Ant lions dig tapering pits in areas of sand and gravel, which can like cave or lair entrances; creatures entering these traps slip down the loose sides to land at the bottom, where the ant lion lurks.[49] A line of lead miniatures from TSR included a set of a piscodaemon and an ant lion.[50] The giant ant lion appeared in the Kingdoms of Kalamar books Forging Darkness (2001), and Midnight's Terror (2001), in the Tome of Horrors (2002) from Necromancer Games,[51] and in Paizo Publishing's book Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3 (2011), on page 17.[52]
Aspis10–11Slave Pits of the Undercity (1981), Greyhawk Monstrous Compendium Appendix (1990),[53]Dragon #260 (June 1999).[54]Described here are the drone, larva, cow
Banderlog13The Banderlog is a monstrous humanoid
Basilisk, greater15
Bat15–16Described here are the mobat and ordinary bat
Bat, fire16
Bear, northern (polar bear)16
Bee, giant17Described here are the worker honeybee, soldier honeybee, and bumblebee
Beetle, giant17–18Described here are the death watch beetle and slicer beetle
Cat22Described are the domestic and wild cat
Cat lord22–23
Catfish, giant23
Cave cricket23
Cave fisher24
Cave moray24
Centipede24–25Described are the huge centipede and megalocentipede
Choke creeper25
Cooshee (elven dog)26
Crane, giant26
Crystal ooze27
Cyclopskin27Monstrous Manual (1993),[47]Dragon #254 (December 1998), in the 'Ecology of the Cyclopskin'.[55]
Daemon27–31Described are the arcanadaemon (greater daemon), Charon (the Boatman of the Lower Planes), charonadaemon (lesser daemon), derghodaemon (lesser daemon), hydrodaemon (lesser daemon), Oinodaemon (Anthraxus), piscodaemon (lesser daemon), ultrodaemon (greater daemon), and yagnodaemon (lesser daemon)
Death, crimson32
Demodand33–34Described are the farastu (tarry) demodand, kelubar (slime) demodand, and shator (shaggy) demodand
-- Alu-demon (semi-demon)35–36
-- Babau (minor demon)36
-- Baphomet (demon lord)36
-- Bar-lgura (minor demon)37
-- Cambion (semi-demon)37
-- Chasme (minor demon)38
-- Dretch (minor demon)38
-- Fraz-Urb'luu (Prince of Deception)39
-- Graz'zt (demon prince)39–40
-- Kostchtchie (demon lord)40
-- Nabassu (major demon)40–41
-- Pazuzu (Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms)41
-- Rutterkin (minor demon)41–42
Deva42–44Described are the astral deva, monadic deva, and movanic deva
-- Abishai (lesser devil)45
-- Amon (Duke of Hell)45–46
-- Bael (Duke of Hell)46
-- Bearded devil (lesser devil)46
-- Belial (Arch-devil)46
-- Glasya (Princess of Hell)47
-- Hutijin (Duke of Hell)47
-- Mammon (Arch-devil)47
-- Mephistopheles (Arch-devil)48
-- Moloch (Arch-devil)48
-- Nupperibo (least devil)49
-- Titivilus (Duke of Hell)49
-- Spined devil (least devil)49
Dinosaur50–55Described are the ankisaurus, camptosaurus, compsognathus, dacentrurus, deinonychus, dilophosaurus, dimetrodon, euparkeria, kentrosaurus, mamechisaurus, massopondylus, nothosaurus, ornitholestes, phororhacos, podokesaurus, giant pterosaur, struthiomimus, tanystropheus, and tennodontosaurus
Dragon55–59Powerful and intelligent, usually winged reptiles with magical abilities and breath weapon.
-- Cloud dragon56–57
-- Faerie dragon57
-- Mist dragon58
-- Shadow dragon58–59
Dragonfly, giant59
Dragon horse59
Drelb (haunting custodian)60
Eel, electric (marine)62
Elf63Described are the grugach and valley elf
Elfin cat63–64
Executioner's hood64
Falcon (hawk)64Described are the small and large falcon
Firefriend (giant firefly)65
Fly, giant65Described are the bluebottle and horsefly
Foo creatures65–66Described are the foo dog and foo lion
Forester's bane (snapper-saw)66
Formian (centaur-ant)66Described are the myrmarch, warrior, and worker formian
Galeb duhr68
Giant68–69Described are the fomorian, firbolg, and verbeeg
Gibbering mouther69–70Dragon #160 (December 1990), Assassin Mountain (1993), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (1993), Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume One (1994), The Scarlet Brotherhood (1999), Monster Manual (2000), Epic Level Handbook (2002), Dungeon #85 (March 2001), Monster Manual (2003), Lords of Madness (2005), Monster Manual (2008)Greater Gibbering Mouther, Ancient Gibbering Mouther, Gibbering Orb, Gibbering AbominationAn aberration that resembles a writhing mass of grey flesh covered with dozens of randomly placed eyes and mouths, of different sizes and shapes.
Grue, elemental72–74Described are the chagrin, harginn, ildriss, and verrdig. White Dwarf reviewer Megan C. Evans referred to the grues as 'a collection of terrifying beasties from the Elemental Planes'.[16]
Hangman tree74
Hordling (hordes of Hades)75–76
Jann77The jann is a type of genie. The jann first appeared in first edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons in Dragon #66 (October 1982).[56] A jann is the weakest of the genies, and is formed out of all four elements and must spend time on the Material Plane.
Jelly, mustard77
Kampfult78The kampfult first appeared in the first edition Monster Manual II (1983).[57]

The kampfult appeared in second edition for the Greyhawk setting in the Monstrous Compendium Greyhawk Appendix (1990).[58]

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In the Dungeons & Dragonsfantasyrole-playing game, the kampfult is a type of monster. A kampfult is a creature with a rope-like body that disguises itself among vines and creepers to trap unsuspecting prey with its coils of vine-like appendages that crush and strangle prey to death.
Lammasu, greater79
Lamprey, land80
Luck eater80
Lycanthrope80–82Described are the foxwoman, seawolf (greater), seawolf (lesser), and wereshark
Mantis, giant83
Marid84Dragon #66 (October 1982), The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth (1982), Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monstrous Compendium Al-Qadim Appendix (1992), Manual of the Planes (2001).Noble Marid, Great Padisha of the MaridsA marid is a genie from the Elemental Plane of Water.
Mastiff, shadow84
Modron86–91Described are the monodrone (base modron), duodrone (base modron), tridrone (base modron), quadrone (base modron), pentadrone (base modron), decaton (hierarch modron), nonaton (hierarch modron), octon (hierarch modron), septon (hierarch modron), hexton (hierarch modron), quinton (hierarch modron), quarton (hierarch modron), tertian (hierarch modron), secundus (hierarch modron), and Primus (the One and the Prime)
Mold, russet91–92
Moon dog92–93
Moon Dog
Myconid (fungus man)94–95
Obliviax (memory moss)96
Ogre, aquatic (merrow)96
Oliphant96First appeared in adventure moduleThe Land Beyond the Magic Mirror (1983);[59] under the 'elephant' entry in the Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989),[60] and reprinted in the Monstrous Manual (1993).[61]An apparent modern relative of the mastodon, with down-curving tusks; intelligent enough to be trained as an engine of destruction, attacking with its tusks and heavy forelegs, and can be used in war and for other military duties when armored with leather or scale and plate reinforcements, spikes projecting from head and forelegs, and bearing a castle-like houdas containing archers and pikemen.
Para-elemental98–99Described are the ice, smoke, magma, and ooze para-elemental
Pech99Derived from Pech (mythology)
Pedipalp100Described are the large, huge, and giant pedipalp
Pudding, deadly102
Quasi-elemental lightning103Ash quasi-elemental, the dust quasielemental, the salt quasielemental, and the vacuum quasielemental appeared under the 'quasi-elemental, negative' heading, and the lightning quasielemental, the mineral quasielemental, the radiance quasielemental, and the steam quasielemental appeared under the 'quasi-elemental, positive' heading.[62]Quasi-elementals are a fusion of one of the classic elements and either positive or negative energy.
Quickwood (spy tree)104
Rat105Described are the ordinary rat and vapor rat
Raven (crow)105Described are the ordinary, huge, and giant raven
Retch plant106
Rock reptile106
Scorpion107Described are the large and huge scorpion
Scum creeper107
Shedu, greater109
Based onSiren
AlignmentChaotic Neutral
Skeleton, animal109
Slime creature110
Slime, olive110
Snake111Described are the constrictor and poisonous snake
Solifugid112The giant solifugid, the huge solifugid, and the large solifugid first appeared in the adventure moduleQueen of the Demonweb Pits (1980).[63] The giant solifugid, the huge solifugid, and the large solifugid appeared in the original first edition Monster Manual II (1983).[57] The huge solifugid and the large solifugid appeared in second edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons for the Forgotten Realms setting in The Drow of the Underdark (1991).[64]A solifugid in Dungeons & Dragons is an arachnid creature with a powerful, hooked beak and 10 legs, the first pair ending in sucker-like clamps that it uses to catch and hold prey. Solifugids live in warm desert climates.
Spider, giant marine113
Squirrel114Described are the giant black and ordinary squirrel
Squirrel, carnivorous flying114
Stegocentipede114–115Lawrence Schick described the stegocentipede as 'a giant arthropod notable for its twin row of back plates (wow!)'[65]
Stench kow115Monstrous Manual (1993), Polyhedron #133 (December 1998), Tome of Horror (2002), pp. 243–244 from Necromancer GamesLawrence Schick described the stench kow as 'a monstrous bison that smells real bad'.[65]
Stone guardian115
Sundew, giant116
Termite, giant harvester118–119
Thessalhydra119Dragon #94 (February 1985),[66]Monstrous Compendium Forgotten Realms Appendix (1989),[67]Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three (1996),[26]Dungeon #134 (May 2006)[68]
Thri-kreen (mantis warrior)119
Thunder beast120
Time elemental120–121
Tri-flower frond121
Troll, marine (scrag)121–122Described are the fresh water and salt water marine troll
Twilight bloom122
Urchin, land122
Vegepygmy124The vegepygmy was created by Gary Gygax. It first appeared in first edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons in the adventure module Expedition to the Barrier Peaks (1980),[69] and was reprinted in the original Monster Manual II (1983).[70]A vegepygmy is created when a humanoid is slain by russet mold, the victim's body transforming into a new creature. Although made of plant material, the vegepygmy, or 'mold man,' is humanoid in shape (though only three feet tall) and somewhat intelligent.
Vulture125Described are the giant and ordinary vulture
Willow, black126
Worm127–128Described are the tenebrous worm and the tunnel worm
Xag-ya and xeg-yi128–129The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth (1982),[71]Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III (1998),[62] third edition Manual of the Planes (2001)[72]
AlignmentTrue Neutral
Yeth hound129
Yochlol (handmaiden of Lolth)130
Zombie, juju131
Zombie, monster131

Monster Cards[edit]

Four sets of 'monster cards' were released in 1982; each card contained the stats and description of a single monster. They were mostly reprints from the Monster Manual, but three monsters in each set were original, and were reprinted in the Monster Manual II the next year.

CreatureSetOther AppearancesVariantsDescription
Androsphinx3Monster Manual (1977)
Ankhegs1Monster Manual (1977)
Axe Beak4Monster Manual (1977)
Barbed Devil1Monster Manual (1977)
Black Dragon4Monster Manual (1977)
Blink Dog3Monster Manual (1977)
Bombardier Beetle4Monster Manual (1977)
Bugbear4Monster Manual (1977)
Carnivorous Ape3Monster Manual (1977)
Carrion Crawler3Monster Manual (1977)
Centaur1Monster Manual (1977)
Constrictor Snake1Monster Manual (1977)
Dire wolf4Monster Manual (1977)
Displacer Beast1Monster Manual (1977)
Efreeti3Monster Manual (1977)
Ettin3Monster Manual (1977)
Frost Giant1Monster Manual (1977)
Galeb Duhr2Monster Manual II (1983)
Gelatinous Cube2Monster Manual (1977)
Ghoul1Monster Manual (1977)
Giant Scorpion2Monster Manual (1977)
Giant Slug3Monster Manual (1977)
Giant Weasel1Monster Manual (1977)
Gnoll3Monster Manual (1977)
Goblin2Monster Manual (1977)
Gold Dragon2Monster Manual (1977)
Gorgon4Monster Manual (1977)
Grey Elf3Monster Manual (1977)
Grippli1Monster Manual II (1983)
Halfling4Monster Manual (1977)
Hill Dwarf2Monster Manual (1977)
Hill Giant2Monster Manual (1977)
Hippocampus4Monster Manual (1977)
Hippogriff2Monster Manual (1977)
Hybsil4Monster Manual II (1983)A stag-centaur
Ixitxachitl2Monster Manual (1977)
Jaguar3Monster Manual (1977)
Kobold1Monster Manual (1977)
Korred4Monster Manual II (1983)
Land Urchin2Monster Manual II (1983)
Leucrotta4Monster Manual (1977)
Lizard Man1Monster Manual (1977)
Locathah3Monster Manual (1977)
Merman4Monster Manual (1977)
Mihstu1Monster Manual II (1982)
Mummy3Monster Manual (1977)
Nycadaemon3Fiend Folio (1981)
Neo-Otyugh1Monster Manual (1977)
Obliviax4Monster Manual II (1983)
Peryton3Monster Manual (1977)
Red Dragon1Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), Monster Manual (1977), D&D Companion Rules (1984), Dragon #134 'The Ecology of the Red Dragon' (1988), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Dragoneye set #55 (2004), D&D Miniatures: Giants of Legend set #71 (2004), D&D Icons: Colossal Red Dragon (2006)
Roper2Monster Manual (1977)
Rust Monster4Monster Manual (1977)
Sabertooth Tiger2Monster Manual (1977)
Sahuagin1Monster Manual (1977)
Salamander1Monster Manual (1977)
Satyr2Monster Manual (1977)
Sea Wolf3Monster Manual II (1983)
Silver Dragon3Monster Manual (1977)
Spectre2Monster Manual (1977)
Stone Giant4Monster Manual (1977)
Succubus4Monster Manual (1977)
Su-monster4Monster Manual (1977)
Sylph3Monster Manual (1977)
Stone Golem2Monster Manual (1977)
Thri-kreen2Monster Manual II (1982)Anthropomorphic preying mantis
Treant1Monster Manual (1977)
Triceratops1Monster Manual (1977)
Troglodyte2Monster Manual (1977)
Tunnel Worm3Monster Manual II (1983)
Type V Demon2Monster Manual (1977)
Tyrannosaurus Rex2Monster Manual (1977)
Umber Hulk2Monster Manual (1977)
Vampire4Monster Manual (1977)
Wemic3Monster Manual II (1983)A lion-centaur
Weretiger4Monster Manual (1977)
Werewolf1Monster Manual (1977)
Wind Walker4Monster Manual (1977)
Will O'wisp3Monster Manual (1977)
Zorbo1Monster Manual II (1983)

Other sources[edit]

This section lists fictional creatures for AD&D 1st edition from various sources not explicitly dedicated to presenting monsters.

TSR 2021 – Dragonlance Adventures (1987)[edit]

The campaign setting hard-cover book Dragonlance Adventures contains a monster section called Creatures of Krynn.


CreaturePageOther AppearancesVariantsDescription
Draconians73–75Auraks, Baaz, Bozaks, Kapaks and Sivaks
Ice Bears76
Bloodsea Minotaurs76
Spectral Minions77–78
Thanoi (Walrus Men)78
Krynn Dragons78–80Powerful and intelligent winged reptiles with magical abilities and breath weapon.
-- The Evil Dragons78–79Black, Blue, Green, Red and White Dragons
-- Black Dragons78–79Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), Monster Manual (1977), D&D Companion Rules (1984), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Dragoneye set #44 (2004), D&D Icons: Gargantuan Black Dragon (2006), D&D Miniatures: Unhallowed set #55 (2007)Chaotic evil dragons that spit acid
-- Blue Dragons79Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), Monster Manual (1977), D&D Basic Set (1981, 1983), D&D Companion Rules (1984), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Deathknell set #38 (2005), D&D Icons: Gargantuan Blue Dragon (2007)Lawful evil dragons that discharge a bolt of lightning
-- Green Dragons79Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), Monster Manual (1977), D&D Basic Set (1981, 1983), D&D Companion Rules (1984), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003). D&D Miniatures: War of the Dragon Queen set #38 (2005)Lawful evil dragons that breathe a cloud of poisonous chlorine gas
-- Red Dragons79Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), Monster Manual (1977), D&D Companion Rules (1984), Dragon #134 'The Ecology of the Red Dragon' (1988), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Dragoneye set #55 (2004), D&D Miniatures: Giants of Legend set #71 (2004), D&D Icons: Colossal Red Dragon (2006)Chaotic evil dragons that breathe a cone of fire
-- White Dragons79Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), D&D Basic Set (1977, 1981, 1983), Monster Manual (1977), D&D Companion Rules (1984), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Night Below #58 (2007), D&D Icons: Legend of Drizzt Scenario Pack (2007) ('Icingdeath, Gargantuan White Dragon')Chaotic evil dragons that breathe a cone of cold
-- The Good Dragons79–80Brass, Bronze, Copper, Gold and Silver Dragons
-- Brass Dragons79Greyhawk set (1974), Monster Manual (1977), D&D Basic Set (1997), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Dragoneye set #14 (2004), D&D Miniatures: Unhallowed set #19 (2007)Chaotic good dragons that can breathe a cone of sleep gas or a billowing cloud of fear-causing gas
-- Bronze Dragons79Greyhawk set (1974), Monster Manual (1977), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: War Drums set #7 (2006)Lawful good dragons that breathe a bolt of lightning or a repulsion gas cloud
-- Copper Dragons79Greyhawk set (1974), Monster Manual (1977), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Angelfire set #21 (2005), D&D Miniatures: Desert of Desolation #23 (2007)Chaotic good dragons that breathe a discharge of acid or a cloud of gas that slows creatures
-- Gold Dragons79–80Dungeons & Dragons set (1974), Monster Manual (1977), D&D Basic Set (1981, 1983), D&D Companion Rules (1984), Dungeons & Dragons Rules Cyclopedia (1991), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Giants of Legend set #61 (2004), D&D Miniatures: Deathknell set #7 (2005)Lawful good dragons that breathe fire or chlorine gas
-- Silver Dragons80Greyhawk set (1974), Monster Manual (1977), Monstrous Manual (1993), Monster Manual (2000), Monster Manual v.3.5 (2003), D&D Miniatures: Archfiends set #5 (2004)Lawful good dragons that breathe a cone of frost or a cloud of paralyzing gas

TSR 2023 – Greyhawk Adventures (1988)[edit]

The campaign setting hard-cover book Greyhawk Adventures contains a section called Monsters of Greyhawk.


CreaturePageOther AppearancesVariantsDescription
Cactus, Vampire21–22
Dragon, Greyhawk26–27
Sprite, Sea30–31
'Swordwraith' (Stark Mounds Undead Spirit)31–32
Wolf, Mist32–33
Zombie, Sea ('Drowned Ones')33–34

Dragon magazine[edit]

The Dragon introduced many new monsters to the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game.

Monster Manual Pokemon

CreaturePageOther AppearancesVariantsDescription
Tibbit 'cat-were'Dragon Compendium, Vol. 1A race of shapeshifters, who can change from cats to human beings; small, with pointed ears in human form, and as perfectly normal looking cats in cat form.

Appears in Dragon 135, The Dragon's Bestiary, by Scott Bennie


  1. ^Wienecke-Janz, Detlef, ed. (2002). Lexikon der Zauberwelten – Gandalf & Co. Wissen Media Verlag. p. 12. ISBN3-577-13505-0.
  2. ^ abcdefTurnbull, Don (August–September 1978). 'Open Box'. White Dwarf (8): 16–17.
  3. ^Gygax, Gary. Monster Manual (TSR, 1977)
  4. ^Cagle, Eric, Jesse Decker, James Jacobs, Erik Mona, Matt Sernett, Chris Thomasson, and James Wyatt. Fiend Folio (Wizards of the Coast, 2003)
  5. ^Mearls, Mike, Greg Bilsland, and Robert J. Schwalb. Monster Manual 3. Renton, Washington: Wizards of the Coast, 2010
  6. ^Gygax, Gary; Blume, Brian (1976), Eldritch Wizardry (1 ed.), Lake Geneva, WI: TSR
  7. ^Cook, David, et al. Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (TSR, 1989)
  8. ^Stewart, Doug, ed. Monstrous Manual (TSR, 1993)
  9. ^Winter, Steve. The Complete Psionics Handbook (TSR, 1991)
  10. ^Wyatt, James. Oriental Adventures (Wizards of the Coast, 2001)
  11. ^Jonathan Rubin, 'Farewell to the Dungeon Master: How D&D creator Gary Gygax changed geekdom forever,' Slate (March 6, 2008).
  12. ^ abcdefgTurnbull, Don, ed. Fiend Folio (TSR, 1981)
  13. ^Williams, Skip, et al. Monstrous Compendium Fiend Folio Appendix (TSR, 1992)
  14. ^Cordell, Bruce R.A Guide to the Ethereal Plane (TSR, 1998)
  15. ^Green, Scott; Peterson, Clark (2002). Tome of Horrors. Necromancer Games. pp. 8–9. ISBN1-58846-112-2.
  16. ^ abcdThomson, Jamie (Dec 1981 – Jan 1982). 'Open Box'. White Dwarf (review). Games Workshop (28): 14.
  17. ^Zumwait, Alan (November 1981). 'Observations of a semi-satisfied customer'. Dragon (review). TSR (55): 8, 10.
  18. ^ abcdGreenwood, Ed (November 1981). 'Flat taste didn't go away'. Dragon (review). TSR (55): 6–7, 9.
  19. ^Green, Scott; Peterson, Clark (2002). Tome of Horrors. Necromancer Games. pp. 131–132. ISBN1-58846-112-2.
  20. ^Green, Scott; Peterson, Clark (2002). Tome of Horrors. Necromancer Games. pp. 154–155. ISBN1-58846-112-2.
  21. ^Williams, Skip, et al. Monstrous Compendium Fiend Folio Appendix (TSR, 1992)
  22. ^Stewart, Doug, ed. Monstrous Manual (TSR, 1993)
  23. ^Turnbull, Don, ed. Fiend Folio (TSR, 1981)
  24. ^Green, Scott; Peterson, Clark (2002). Tome of Horrors. Necromancer Games. p. 158. ISBN1-58846-112-2.
  25. ^Turnbull, Don, ed. Fiend Folio (TSR, 1981)
  26. ^ abPickens, Jon, ed. Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume Three (TSR, 1996)
  27. ^Williams, Skip, et al. Monstrous Compendium Fiend Folio Appendix (TSR, 1992)
  28. ^Green, Scott; Peterson, Clark (2002). Tome of Horrors. Necromancer Games. p. 116. ISBN1-58846-112-2.
  29. ^Gygax, Gary. Descent into the Depths of the Earth (TSR, 1978)
  30. ^Cook, David, et al. Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (TSR, 1989)
  31. ^Richards, Johnathan M. 'The Ecology of the Jermlaine: The Best Laid Plans.' Dragon #262 (TSR, 1999)
  32. ^Bonny, Ed, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Skip Williams, and Steve Winter. Monster Manual II (Wizards of the Coast, 2002)
  33. ^Conners, William, et al. Monstrous Compendium Forgotten Realms Appendix (TSR, 1989)
  34. ^Stewart, Doug, ed. Monstrous Manual (TSR, 1993)
  35. ^Wyatt, James, and Rob Heinsoo. Monstrous Compendium: Monsters of Faerûn (Wizards of the Coast, 2001)
  36. ^Wyatt, James. City of the Spider Queen (TSR, 2002)
  37. ^Matthew SernettPlaying Revenants (Wizards of the Coast 2009)
  38. ^Green, Scott; Peterson, Clark (2002). Tome of Horrors. Necromancer Games. p. 227. ISBN1-58846-112-2.
  39. ^Turnbull, Don, ed. Fiend Folio (TSR, 1981)
  40. ^Cook, David, et al. Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (TSR, 1989)
  41. ^Stewart, Doug, ed. Monstrous Manual (TSR, 1993)
  42. ^Mentzer, Frank. 'Ay pronunseeAY shun gyd' Dragon #93 (TSR, 1985)
  43. ^Wise, David, ed. Monstrous Compendium Annual Volume One (TSR, 1994)
  44. ^Tome of Horrors 3 (Necromancer Games, 2005)
  45. ^The Tome of Horrors Complete (Frog God Games, 2011)
  46. ^Cook, David, et al. Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (TSR, 1989)
  47. ^ abStewart, Doug, ed. Monstrous Manual (TSR, 1993)
  48. ^Cordell, Bruce R., Jennifer Clarke-Wilkes, and J.D. Wiker. Sandstorm: Mastering the Perils of Fire and Sand. Wizards of the Coast, 2005
  49. ^Gygax, Gary. Monster Manual II (TSR, 1983)
  50. ^'TSR Monster Blisters'. Retrieved September 9, 2012.
  51. ^Green, Scott; Peterson, Clark (2002). Tome of Horrors. Necromancer Games. p. 8. ISBN1-58846-112-2.
  52. ^Bulmahn, Jason (lead designer). Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3 (Paizo Publishing, 2011)
  53. ^Breault, Mike, ed, et al. Greyhawk Monstrous Compendium Appendix (TSR, 1990)
  54. ^Richards, Johnathan M. 'The Ecology of the Aspis.' Dragon #260. (TSR, 1999)
  55. ^Richards, Johnathan M. 'The Ecology of the Cyclopskin: Brokk's Lucky Day.' Dragon #254. TSR, 1998
  56. ^Gygax, Gary. 'Featured Creatures' Dragon #66 (TSR, 1982)
  57. ^ abGygax, Gary. Monster Manual II (TSR, 1983)
  58. ^Breault, Mike, ed, et al. Greyhawk Monstrous Compendium Appendix (TSR, 1990)
  59. ^Gygax, Gary. The Land Beyond the Magic Mirror (TSR, 1983)
  60. ^Cook, David, et al. Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (TSR, 1989)
  61. ^Stewart, Doug, ed. Monstrous Manual (TSR, 1993)
  62. ^ abCook, Monte. Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III (TSR, 1998)
  63. ^Sutherland III, David C., with Gary Gygax. Q1 – Queen of the Demonweb Pits (TSR, 1980)
  64. ^Greenwood, Ed. The Drow of the Underdark (TSR, 1991)
  65. ^ abSchick, Lawrence (1991). Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role-Playing Games. Prometheus Books. pp. 106–107. ISBN0-87975-653-5.
  66. ^Greenwood, Ed. The Ecology of the Chimera.Dragon #94 (TSR, 1985)
  67. ^Conners, William, et al.Monstrous Compendium Forgotten Realms Appendix (TSR, 1989)
  68. ^Jacobs, James. 'Into the Wormcrawl Fissure.' Dungeon #134 (Paizo Publishing, 2006)
  69. ^Gygax, Gary. Expedition to the Barrier Peaks (TSR, 1980)
  70. ^Gygax, Gary. Monster Manual II (TSR, 1983)
  71. ^Gygax, Gary. Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth (TSR, 1982)
  72. ^Grubb, Jeff, David Noonan, and Bruce Cordell. Manual of the Planes (Wizards of the Coast, 2001)
Retrieved from ''
Monster Manual
AuthorGary Gygax
GenreRole-playing game
Wizards of the Coast
Publication date
Media typePrint (Hardback)

The Monster Manual (MM) is the primary bestiary sourcebook for monsters in the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasyrole-playing game, first published in 1977 by TSR. It includes monsters derived from mythology and folklore, as well as creatures created specifically for D&D. It describes each with game-specific statistics (such as the monster's level or number of hit dice), and a brief description of its habits and habitats. Most of the entries also have an image of the creature. Along with the Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide, it is one of the three 'core rulebooks' in most editions of the D&D game. Several editions of the Monster Manual have been released for each edition of D&D. It was the first hardcover book of the D&D series. Due to the level of detail and illustration included, it was cited as a pivotal example of a new style of wargame books. Future editions would draw on various sources and act as a compendium of published monsters.

  • 1History of the Monster Manuals
    • 1.2Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
    • 1.5Dungeons & Dragons version 3.5

History of the Monster Manuals[edit]

Early Dungeons & Dragons[edit]

The first D&D boxed set did not have a separate Monster Manual but provided listings for monsters in Book 2: Monsters and Treasure, one of the included booklets.

After the series was separated into basic and advanced games, the basic game continued to be published in level-based boxes. Monsters of the appropriate level were included in the rulebooks for the various basic game sets (the Basic, Expert, Companion, Master, and Immortal sets). These monsters were later collected in the Rules Cyclopedia, which replaced higher-level the boxed sets, and the Creature Catalogue.

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons[edit]

Original Monster Manual[edit]

The first publication bearing the title Monster Manual was written by Gary Gygax and published in 1977 as a 108-page book.[1] It was the first hardcover book for any D&D game,[2][3] and the first of the core manuals published for the new Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D) version of the game.[1][4] The Monster Manual was a supplement to the game, intended to describe the standard monsters used in AD&D.[1] The book was a compendium of more than 350 monsters. Some monsters were new—others were compiled and revised from older sources such as Monsters and Treasure, Greyhawk, Blackmoor, Eldritch Wizardry, The Strategic Review and Dragon magazine.[2] Each monster was listed alphabetically with a comprehensive description and full statistics and was, in many cases, supported by an illustration.[2]

The cover of the original printing was illustrated by David C. Sutherland III. A softcover version of the Monster Manual was printed in the United Kingdom by Games Workshop in 1978.[1] When the book was reprinted in 1985 it featured new cover art by Jeff Easley.[1] The book remained little changed throughout its fifteen printings up to 1989. Minor changes during the print run included a cover art change to match a new logo and house style and some minor corrections introduced in the 1978 printings.

The first edition Monster Manual notably included topless portrayals of some of its female monsters, including the succubus, Type V demons, lamia, and sylph. The first edition was also the first appearance of the mimic.

The 1st edition Monster Manual was reproduced as a premium reprint on July 17, 2012.[5]

Monster Manual was also reviewed by Don Turnbull who felt that 'this manual deserves a place on every D&D enthusiast's bookshelf', and praised the explanatory text, stating that it 'amplifies, where necessary, [the game statistics] and the result is the most comprehensive listing of D&D monsters you will find, presented in a clarity which is unfortunately all too rare in other sources.'[2] Turnbull noted some minor printing errors and felt that some of the drawings were not as good as others, but felt that the book's quality 'is as high as one can reasonably expect in such a complex matter'.[2] Turnbull concluded by saying 'I can do no more than heap high praise on the Monster Manual. If every DM and every player didn't buy it, I would be very surprised. It is without doubt the best thing that TSR have produced so far.'[2] Lawrence Schick, author of Heroic Worlds, commented that 'As nothing is easier to design than new monsters, it has spawned a host of imitations.'[1]

Fiend Folio[edit]

Fiend Folio was published by TSR, Inc.Fiend Folio was primarily made up of monsters described in the 'Fiend Factory' feature of White Dwarf and from various D&D modules, while some were original creations. It introduced several popular monsters to the D&D game including drow, githyanki, githzerai, slaad, and death knights. It also featured monsters that were widely ridiculed, such as the flumph, one of the few non-evil creatures presented in the volume.

Monster Manual II[edit]

Monster Manual II was a 160-page hardcover book published in 1983, also credited solely to Gygax.[1] The book was a supplement describing over 250 monsters, most with illustrations. Many of the monsters were drawn from scenario modules.[1] The book included random encounter tables for dungeon and wilderness settings built from the Monster Manual, Fiend Folio, and Monster Manual II.[1] Some of its contents were taken from various AD&D adventure modules, in particular quite a number from S4: Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, and a dozen new devils that had been first published in the pages of Dragon magazine. Like the Fiend Folio before it, the monsters in Monster Manual II listed the experience point value for each monster within the entry. The Monster Manual II along with the First Edition Unearthed Arcana book featured quite a number of monsters, races, and places from Gary Gygax's home Greyhawk campaign world.

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition[edit]

The Monstrous Compendium superseded the Monster Manual with the release of AD&D 2nd edition.[1] The Compendium was a binder of looseleaf sheets, rather than a hardback book. The first two volumes contained the core monsters of the game. These were followed by a large number of appendices that contained extra monsters for particular campaign settings.

The format was intended to help Dungeon Masters (DM) keep handy only the monster statistics needed for a particular game session, as well as to greatly expand the information about each monster, as each was given at least one full page. It would also mean they would only need to purchase core volumes and appendix volumes for the campaigns they wanted, rather than getting a mix of monsters in books. However, the binder format ultimately proved impractical for two main reasons. First, looseleaf pages were not as durable as the hardcover format. As it was a frequently used game aid this was a serious concern. Second, TSR routinely printed different monsters on each side of a sheet, making it impossible to keep monsters in strict alphabetical order.

In 1993, the Monstrous Manual was released,[3] compiling all monsters from the first two volumes of the Monstrous Compendium plus a large number of monsters from other sources into a 384-page hardcover book edited by Doug Stewart. More Monstrous Compendium appendices were released as a supplements to the Monstrous Manual in the form of paperback books. They included updated reprints of loose leaf Monstrous Compendium Appendices and new volumes.

Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition[edit]

The Monster Manual for the third edition of D&D was released in August 2000 as the third of three core books of the system. Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, and Skip Williams all contributed to the third edition Monster Manual.[6] Williams is credited with the design of the book. The updates were not intended to make major changes, only to update older monsters to third edition rules. According to Williams, 'the first item on the agenda was combing through the game's twenty year collection of monsters, and deciding which ones were going into the book.. The design team decided to focus on creatures that fit well into classic dungeon style adventures, with extra emphasis on creatures we felt the game needed.'[7] In 2001 Monster Manual won the Origins Award for Best Graphic Design of a Roleplaying Game, Adventure, or Supplement 2000.[8] One reviewer called it ' essential reference book, and it is a bargain..'[9]

The next volumes, Monster Manual II and Fiend Folio were new monster-specific rulebooks. They contain mostly updated monsters from the sourcebooks of earlier editions, though some monsters have almost no overlap with those of their first edition namesakes. There were no new versions of Monster Manual II or Fiend Folio for the 3.5 edition of D&D, although update errata for both volumes and for the original third edition Monster Manual are available for download from the publisher's website.[10]

Dungeons & Dragons version 3.5[edit]

In July 2003, the Monster Manual was revised and released again for D&D v 3.5. The revision was done by Rich Baker and Skip Williams. The 3.5 revision has a slightly different entry on each monster than 3rd edition. Notably, each monster's attack has been divided into attack and full attack entries.[11] When asked about the hardest part in revising the book, Rich Baker replied: 'The hardest part of the job was probably the sheer volume of the work we needed to do. There are hundreds of monster entries, and each monster has a couple dozen data points to examine and check.'[12] Some creatures from the Psionics Handbook and the third edition Manual of the Planes were added to the revised book.[11] Further revision included the addition of an enhanced version of most monsters as an example of advancement (usually either with a template or with class levels). Many monsters also included instructions on how to use them as player characters.

The Monster Manual v 3.5 was reproduced as a premium reprint on September 18, 2012.[13]

Monster Manual III[edit]

Monster Manual III was published in 2004, and was designed by Rich Burlew, Eric Cagle, Jesse Decker, Andrew J. Finch, Gwendolyn F.M. Install mac os x lion download torrent. Kestrel, Rich Redman, Matthew Sernett, Chris Thomasson, and P. Nathan Toomey. This Monster Manual is notable for its descriptions of where the monsters might be found in the Eberron and Forgotten Realmscampaign settings.[14] Chris Perkins explained: 'Almost all of the monsters in the Monster Manual III are new. We didn't want to give gamers a bunch of beasties they'd already seen, and we found several interesting monster niches to fill.[15]

Monster Manual IV[edit]

Monster Manual IV, published July 2006, was designed by Gwendolyn F.M. Kestrel, Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Matthew Sernett, Eric Cagle, Andrew Finch, Christopher Lindsay, Kolja Raven Liquette, Chris Sims, Owen K.C. Stephens, Travis Stout, JD Wiker, and Skip Williams. This book was also published in the v3.5 format and used the new stat block format that was introduced in the Dungeon Master's Guide II. Monster Manual IV contained fewer actual monsters than Monster Manual II and III, but had sample lairs and encounters for them, gave stats for classes and templates applied to old creatures, and full page maps. The book also ties into the 'Year of the Dragons' theme that Wizards of the Coast planned out for 2006 with the Spawn of Tiamat, yet contains no new monsters that are considered true dragons.

Special Edition Monster Manual[edit]

In October 2006, the Special Edition Monster Manual was released, completing the set of special edition core rulebooks started in 2004 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of D&D. Like the others, this book was leather-bound with silver-gilt edges and a cloth bookmark. The book was expanded with some new information, 31 new illustrations, and a new index. All collected errata up to its release date were included in this revision.[16]

Monster Manual V[edit]

Monster Manual V was released in July 2007, with David Noonan as lead designer, and additional design by Creighton Broadhurst, Jason Bulmahn, David Chart, B. Matthew Conklin III, Jesse Decker, James 'Grim' Desborough, Rob Heinsoo, Sterling Hershey, Tim Hitchcock, Luke Johnson, Nicholas Logue, Mike McArtor, Aaron Rosenberg, Robert J. Schwalb, Rodney Thompson, and Wil Upchurch. This book was published in the same format as the Monster Manual IV, featuring lairs and tactics and, like III and IV, detailing how these new monsters fit into Eberron and Forgotten Realms.

Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition[edit]

The D&D 4th edition Monster Manual was released with the other core books on June 6, 2008. It featured the demon prince Orcus on the cover. The book was designed by Mike Mearls, Stephen Schubert, and James Wyatt.

Monster Manual 2 was released on May 20, 2009 with Demogorgon on the cover; Monster Manual 3 was released on June 15, 2010 featuring Lolth on its cover.

Monster Vault was released November 16, 2010 and featured monsters introduced in the Monster Manual revised to the new format that was introduced in Monster Manual 3. Monster Vault: Threats to the Nentir Vale was released June 28, 2011 and re-introduced a few new monsters as well as several related to the setting of Nentir Vale. All volumes of the Monster Vault are parts of the Dungeons & Dragons Essentials line of 4th edition D&D products.

Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition[edit]

The D&D 5th edition Monster Manual was the second core book released for the new edition in September 2014. The cover depicts the beholder Xanathar attacking adventurers in the Underdark.


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  1. ^ abcdefghijSchick, Lawrence (1991). Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role-Playing Games. Prometheus Books. pp. 106–107. ISBN0-87975-653-5.
  2. ^ abcdefTurnbull, Don (August–September 1978). 'The Open Box, The Monster Manual'. White Dwarf (8): 16–17.
  3. ^ ab'The History of TSR'. Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on October 4, 2008. Retrieved August 20, 2005.
  4. ^'Dungeons & Dragons FAQ'. Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on October 3, 2008. Retrieved October 3, 2008.
  5. ^'Monster Manual'. Wizards of the Coast. Retrieved June 24, 2013.
  6. ^'Profiles: Monte Cook'. Dragon. Renton, Washington: Wizards of the Coast (#275): 10, 12, 14. September 2000.
  7. ^Ryan, Michael G. (October 2000). 'ProFiles: Skip Williams'. Dragon. Renton, Washington: Wizards of the Coast (#276): 12, 14, 16.
  8. ^'2000: List of Winner'. Origins Game Fair. Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts and Design. Archived from the original on December 24, 2007. Retrieved December 24, 2007.
  9. ^Shafer, Scott (October 20, 2000). 'Pyramid Picks: Monster Manual (WotC) and Creature Collection (Sword & Sorcery Studios), for D&D3/d20'. Pyramid. Steve Jackson Games. Retrieved December 24, 2007.
  10. ^'D&D v.3.5 Accessory Update Booklet'. 2003. Archived from the original on August 11, 2003.
  11. ^ abEhrbar, Steven E. (August 22, 2003). 'Pyramid Review: Monster Manual v.3.5 (for Dungeons & Dragons)'. Pyramid. Steve Jackson Games. Retrieved December 24, 2007.
  12. ^Ryan, Michael (July 4, 2003). 'Product Spotlight: D&D 3.5'. Wizards of the Coast. Retrieved August 11, 2013.
  13. ^'3.5 Edition Premium Monster Manual'. Wizards of the Coast. Retrieved June 24, 2013.
  14. ^Honeywell, Steve (January 21, 2005). 'Pyramid Review: Monster Manual III (for Dungeons & Dragons)'. Pyramid. Steve Jackson Games. Retrieved December 24, 2007.
  15. ^Ryan, Michael (September 3, 2004). 'Product Spotlight: Monster Manual III'. Wizards of the Coast. Retrieved August 12, 2013.
  16. ^''. Archived from the original on November 16, 2006.

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External links[edit]

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Wikibooks has a book on the topic of: Dungeons & Dragons monsters
  • 3rd Edition Monster Manual at Wizards of the Coast website.
  • 4th Edition Monster Manual at Wizards of the Coast website.

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