Dore Program Exercises

Posted : admin On 8/21/2019

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The program uses visual/motor exercises to improve brain processing which is helpful in so many ways. Of course, balance and coordination will improve as well. Therapists worldwide have used the program and it is now revised to be easy to use by the average person without assistance or training. Jul 23, 2012  The basis of the program was to stimulate the cerebellum which is responsible for balance and co-ordination. There are books around with the same exercises in, written by highly qualfied dyslexia researchers ( at univerisities) which a parent could follow at home.

  1. Does The Dore Program Work
  2. Dore Program Usa
  3. Dore Programme Exercises
As my last posting sort-of suggests, we lost a sense of progress for a few months and I couldn't be bothered to post anything.
But recent Dore-ish developments make me feel that I want this story to have some sort of beginning, middle and end; it only seems fair.
The lethargy that set in from January continued for another couple of months. We continued to do the exercises in a fairly desultory fashion, 'forgetting' a session or single exercise maybe three times a week. The exercises were all 'hard' -apparently we were on the hardest level - but continually finding tasks difficult and not getting easier is pretty wearing. But on assessment days scores continued to improve, increasing the feeling that the end was nigh.
Then I started to get more positive feedback from school. Son's teacher, who had been very negative only a few months earlier, commented on a marked improvement in his concentration and application. A teaching assistant who has known him for years (and who didn't know he was on the Dore programme) stopped me to tell me I must be delighted in the 'improvements' in him this year. And son himself seemed generally more settled at school and even, dare I say it, no longer completely uninterested in school work.
This feedback helped spur me on for one last push and to keep going to the end.
Our last assessment was last week - and it was a disaster! His balance scores had all slipped right back again - back into the 'red' again. What was going on? Well I had a clear theory. Wii Fit.
I had bought Wii Fit for the family about a month earlier and son had spent a lot of time working almost exclusively on the 'balance' activities - because they are the ones most like games. You might think that this would be positive - but all the 'balance' activities on Wii Fit are based on visual stimuli when son's Dore exercises were very much about learning to stop depending on visual clues - with which he was very much over-compensating.
So depressing though this was, I felt there was a way forward. We agreed to slog back for a re-test in 2 weeks time rather than being forced to drop back a level - and there was no question in my mind that Wii Fit would be banned for those two weeks at least. (The Dore centre staff reported back on my concerns about Wii Fit- but HQ said that the game was too new to have any data on similar findings. I now imagine that they also had other, more pressing matters weighing on them!)
And then, just a couple of days later, we heard that the Dore Programme nationally was to be suspended.
Since then I've read a very shabby, ill-informed article in The Times implying that the programme was an exercise in quackery - appended to which, a series of heart-felt responses - most of which from parents who need no half-baked journalism to tell them that the programme helped their children as nothing else had.

Does The Dore Program Work

My own feelings?
I don't think that W. Dore is a charlatan or that the programme is quackery. I think there is a great deal of sense in the premise and the programme. I think some of the claims were over-stated - but perhaps this is more by aforementioned half-baked journalism than by W. D. himself. I think that the year and a quarter that son has been on the programme has soon the most dramatic period of improvement in his balance, concentration, fine-motor skills and social sensitivity. He is now a settled and happy child who still has some learning difficulties. I might be wrong, but I would say that these difficulties are now at the 'right' end of a normal range.
I met only staff at the centre who seemed determined to to their best by my son. I saw no evidence of high staff-turnover, which would be an obvious indicator of employess who did not believe in what they were doing. No, in every case staff were kind, committed and in no hurry to take money off me or to rush us through the system - quite the reverse!
I don't know how much longer we will be able to sustain the commitment required to keep up the exercises with all the uncertainty in the air. Not long, I feel. But that's OK. I think we have got from the programme pretty well what we can and I hope, as I have heard, that progress will continue even after the end.
I'm glad we did it. Son will be glad too, one day. I am grateful to the staff and I wish them all well. I commiserate with those who had only just started the programme. I hope the good of the programme is not lost and that it becomes possible to configure access to it such that this is based on need - not on parental income.

Dore Program Usa

The Learning Breakthrough Program™ is the original visual-motor therapy for improving cognitive performance. The Dore™ method was developed based on the longstanding principles of balance training (see # 1 below).

Dore Programme Exercises

  • Multi-sensory therapy changes the brain through repetitive physical movements such as those provided by Dore™ or the Learning Breakthrough Program™. The Learning Breakthrough Program™ was recently revised to be easy to use without the need for professional help, which is one reason the Learning Breakthrough is so affordable (Dore provides various testing methods and support as part of their program).
  • The Learning Breakthrough™ exercises took years of trial and error to determine which precise movements and equipment made the most change in things like reading, speech, coordination and attention. Most all multi-sensory activities are good for cognitive and physical performance. What separates the Learning Breakthrough Program™ from other programs is the precision of the equipment and the movements, as well as the ease of use and affordability.
  • The Learning Breakthrough Program™ includes a follow-along video DVD where all the exercises are organized and structured into daily segments for ease of use.
  • Dr. Belgau, the developer of the Learning Breakthrough Program™ has often been asked “Which exercises should I perform for ADHD, or Dyslexia etc”. His answer is always the same: “it is through the repetition of the variety of movements performed using my highly precise equipment that helps better organize the way the brain processes information. The therapy can affect numerous cognitive functions at the same time, such as reading and handwriting and attention. The Learning Breakthrough Program™ involves all the various senses and processes behind learning and performance. Our various senses such as visual, motor, auditory and balance are connected. The more they are “exercised” together, the more “integrated” they become and the better you will function. The program enables individual users to progress at their own pace to ever increasing challenge levels due to the unique precision equipment included”.
  • Learning Breakthrough™ has been relied upon by medical practitioners and special educators around the world since 1982. For decades, Learning Breakthrough™ seminars have been approved as CEU (continuing education units) for Occupational Therapists.

(#1) Below is the reference made in a research study published in the journal “Dyslexia” regarding the Learning Breakthrough Program™ (Belgau & Belgau, 1982) as the example given as the basis for the exercises of the Dore method).

We hope the above explains some of the differences between these programs and why you can expect the very best results from the affordable Learning Breakthrough Program™. If you have any questions, please call or email.