Geof Gray Cobb Pdf

Posted : admin On 9/5/2019

Jul 02, 2014  Or New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb. Anyone Here familiar with Frater Malak's The Mystic Grimoire Of Mighty Spells and Rituals? Or New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb. Just today I stumbled across these books while looking for another book to add to my growing esoteric library. I have only acquired a PDF of Frater Malak's book. Geof Gray-Cobb/Frater Malak. 356 likes 21 talking about this. Geof Gray Cobb born August 15th 1928. Deceased May 12th 2009. I am his daughter.

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  1. Secrets From Beyond The Pyramids Geof Gray Cobb Pdf
  2. Geof Gray Cobb Pdf Book
  3. Geof Gray Cobb Pdf
  4. Books By Geof Gray Cobb

The Miracle of New Avatar Power
4.30 avg rating — 44 ratings — published 1974 — 5 editions
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Amazing Secrets of New Avatar Power
4.43 avg rating — 7 ratings
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Secrets From Beyond The Pyramids
4.60 avg rating — 5 ratings
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Secrets from Beyond the Pyramids: How to Gain Control of Your Destiny
3.40 avg rating — 5 ratings — published 1985
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Helping Yourself with Acupineology
really liked it 4.00 avg rating — 4 ratings — 2 editions
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Os Segredos por Trás das Pirâmides
3.67 avg rating — 3 ratings — published 1979
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Twist Your Fate: 7 Steps to Fortune
liked it 3.00 avg rating — 2 ratings — published 2008
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Helping Yourself With Acupineology
0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — 2 editions
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Angels - The Guardians of Your Destiny
it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 2 ratings — published 2008
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Secrets From Beyond The Pyramids Geof Gray Cobb Pdf


Just today I stumbled across these books while looking for another book to add to my growing esoteric library. I have only acquired a PDF of Frater Malak's book (linked below), I'm having trouble finding a copy of New Avatar Power by Geof Gray-Cobb, so if anyone could lend a helping hand there it would be much appreciated.

What I'm really looking for now is simple, yet proven effective magickal systems. I have learned so much about ceremonial magick and other occult sciences that I'm on a bit of an overload. They look like a pretty accessible and seemingly effective method of magickal work, which is what I'm looking for right now. I am currently situated at living at home, so I don't really have a space of my own to use for ritual, so I need some quick, simple easy to perform methods of manifesting my will. I'm very good at intellectual concepts, paradoxes and paradigms, and cross cultural examination of mythology and archetypes, but I haven't been incredibly successful with performing spells and rituals that create direct change with the conformity of will. I've been studying the occult for the past year or so now, and have expanded my knowledge hundreds of years beyond what I thought was possible. I am now very familiar with Hermeticism, Kabbalah, Enochian Magick, Sigil Magick, Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection and have become a pretty good Tarot Reader if I say so myself.

I guess some of the main goals I've been trying to accomplish are, primarily the Great Work. The Emerald Tablet/Corpus Hermeticum is my go to guide and inspiration for life itself. Psychoogically, I have undergone the first 6 steps of Alchemical Transmutation without question. I'm still working on a few things, like finding a home that I can really call home, securing myself with a job that I actually enjoy, and meeting a girl who will support me and can go on a journey of self-improvement and expanding consciousness. More than anything else in the world I want to experience the Holy Alchemical Wedding in my soul, and to share that experience with another. So I've been working on casting sigils, with minor success. I don't require much, just a little pocket of money for peace of mind and some economic security, and to actually have a chance at meeting a like minded and outgoing female companion.

OK now here comes what I actually wanted to talk about. I don't normally like talking about myself too much but sometimes I feel like I need to provide a frame of reference on my background in case there are some other individuals who are in a similar situation with similar feelings. We're all the Universe here, I'm just working on being a little less shy and timid about it.

But basically what I want to know is if anyone has any experience with these books specifically? In the Frater Malak book, the author states that for this book to be used effectively, one needs to use the materials he provides in the 'kit' provided with the book. I have a digital copy so I can't cut out and use whatever he had planned. He gives all the directions and materials needed for each spell and ritual, and this should be everything I need. I'm certain that his warnings against 'not using the kit' is just a form of some lower magick, that will subtly influence people against stealing his book. This doesn't concern me, we live in a different time since he published it. Occult history and study can be done so much quicker in our age of rapid digital media sharing and piracy. Piracy is just making a copy of something, to steal something the original has to be misplaced. That classic anti piracy warning 'I wouldn't Download a Car' is one of the most idiotic things I've ever heard. If someone had the option of copying and downloading a car we'd have a more means of transportation in the world for people who couldn't afford it, so I'm really not worried about the piracy. If I were self conscious about stealing or piracy, then perhaps these spells and rituals wouldn't work for me, but I'm above that.

Geof Gray Cobb Pdf Book

And another thing, I'm positive I've read about a couple of these spells in other books before, I'll post the link to the Mystic Grimoire Of Mighty Spells and Rituals google doc here. If someone could tell me a little more on the background of these spells it would be much appreciated. The spells in question are 'The Tantalizing New Strength Spell' and the 'Occult Seduction Spell' found on pages 28 and 29 of the google doc respectively.

Geof Gray Cobb Pdf

So if anyone has anything to chime in on these books I'd love to hear it. Or, if anyone has any attraction spells or simple money manifestation spells I would love to hear them as well. I'm at a point in my occult study where I would certainly consider myself an adept. I don't question the efficiency or power of High Magick, I'm just at the point now where I feel comfortable using it. Before I saw it as a double edged sword, I wanted to be sure I had some academic background knowledge, but also to find something here that would allow me to bend reality to my will.

Books By Geof Gray Cobb